If you have the financial ability to do so, put together a few extra Pauper decks, or as many as you can comfortably budget for. This gives people a chance to try out the format before buying into it. If you’re building out a full battle box of several decks, m...
3436 decks matching DeckPlayerFormatEventLevelRankDate Kuldotha RedLeonardo LiettiPauperBr(i)anza League #10 (Season 3) @ Italy102/10/24 Monored BambamAndrea LegnaniPauperTappa LP Comense "Road to Roma @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy)5-802/10/24 ...
All 2016 Decks All Pauper decks 484 decks AGGRO 64% Red Deck Wins 15 % Mono Blue Aggro 12 % Affinity 11 % Gruul Aggro 6 % Jund 5 % Mono Green Aggro 3 % Rakdos Aggro 3 % Weenie White 2 % Orzhov Aggro 1 % Boros Aggro 0.8 % ...
Some components are not compatible with the solo mode, and some of these make small card decks even smaller. There are not a lot of unique improvements, and it seems like some are much better choices than the rest. Since the solo mode is about high scores, there isn’t a solo opponent...
While those are the differences, there are many similarities amongst the decks, too.Gates Ablazeis the best damage-based sweeper sinceBlasphemous Actand gives the deck a huge boost, being able to recover from almost any board while always being able to keep yourGatebreaker Ra...
Jeff has been playing magic since his parents purchased the Ninth Edition Core Game for him and his brother in 2004. His favorite formats are Pauper and Emperor, and his favorite defunct products are the Duel Decks. Follow him on Twitter for tweets about Mono Black Ponza in Pauper!
Pioneer: 5 Decks with Aetherdrift to try out! Pauper with Aetherdrift Pauper: 5 Decks with Aetherdrift to try out! Top 10 Commanders Top 10 Weirdest and funniest Commanders in Magic Aetherdrift on Modern Modern: 10 Best Cards of Aetherdrift Aetherdrift All Cards with Anime Artwork from Aethe...
Standard is a dynamic format where you build decks and play using cards in your collection from recently released Magic sets. Your deck must be at least 60 cards. Up to fifteen cards may be included in your sideboard, if you use one. Include no more than
10. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer This little monkey, released last year, has become almost indispensable on red decks. When properly used, Ragavan can be a repeatable mana source for its controller, generating one per turn and still allowing us to use the opponents' cards. ...
% Deck name Decks Games Win % Cost Deck tech 17.1% Esper Control 133 138 52.2% $ 564.93TIX 190.91 Deck Tech 11.1% Mono Red Aggro 86 42 57.1% $ 71.58TIX 40.79 Deck Tech 9.6% Dimir Midrange 75 55 50.9% $ 549.74TIX 180.61 Deck Tech 8.0% Esper Reanimator 62 41 46.3% $...