Especially if you’re looking for a traditional RPG with some tweaks that elevate the whole experience on the NDS dual-screen. 1. The World Ends With You Release Date: July 27, 2007 The World Ends With You only needs a simple introduction. It’s got to be the best Nintendo DS RPG ...
6. 旋律天国 金(NDS) 年内销量:1,350,671 累计销量:1,350,671 7. 勇者斗恶龙V:天空的花嫁(NDS) 年内销量:1,176,082 累计销量:1,176,082 8. 动物之森:一起进城去(Wii) 年内销量:895,302 累计销量:895,302 9. 星之卡比:极端超华丽(NDS) 年内销量:855,427 累计销量:855,427 10. Wii Sports...
2007年10月发布的《逆转裁判:审判与磨难》是GBA版《逆转裁判3》的NDS移植英文版,游戏内容与原版本相同,但操作上增加了对应NDS的触控操作以及语音指令等新功能。 在这次的三代移植作中,游戏跟GBA版一样分成“法庭部份”以及“侦探部份”,玩家必须在侦探部份中透过调查等指令用触控笔来进行各式各样的搜证,如此一来...
Features a top 25 section, showcasing the most popular and downloaded games for each console. Download Now 5. ROM Hustler: Considered one of the best and safest ROM sites, ROM Hustler provides over 10,000 ROMs for more than 10platforms including GameCube, PlayStation, Nintendo 64, and more....
25. Mii广场(StreetPass Games) 24. 雷顿教授和奇迹的假面(Professor Layton: Miracle Mask) 23. 大金刚回归3D(Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D) 22. 洞窟物语3D(Cave Story 3D) 21. 极限脱出ADV 善人死亡(Virtue’s Last Reward) 20. 新·光神话(Kid Icarus Uprising) ...
NDS《双重国度:漆黑的魔导士》中文版: 游戏截图 TOP 7:零系列 《零》是一款以日式神怪恐怖题材为主题的游戏,游戏中玩家将扮演遭受各种怨灵随危险的主角,以具备除灵能力的「摄影机」来击败各式怨灵的死亡威胁,并解开隐藏在众多怨灵之后的谜团与阴谋。从2001年公布至今推出的作...
TOP1. 《使命召唤7:黑色行动》(Call of Duty: Black Ops) (360, PS3, Wii, PC, NDS) 11月11日,备受广大游戏玩家关注的年度FPS游戏大作《使命召唤7:黑色行动》正式发售。作为FPS类游戏中的经典,《使命召唤》系列在战争题材的FPS游戏中占据着很大的市场,《使命召唤7:黑色行动》更是大获成功,一举登上了2010...
Rel date: 2007-10-25 Language: ja Age rating: 17+ Platform: nds Contains volumes 3 and 4 of the original light novel. vndb EGS ET getchu holyseal Rating: 7.89 (29 votes) Touka Gettan 桃華月憚 Developer: ROOTRegista Rel date: 2007-05-25 Language: ja Age rating: 18+, 12+ Platform...
UPDATE2 10/1/14: As a great man once said: "I also and have always thought since this threads creation it would be much better to just place the top 3 or 5 players in no particular order. It's much easier and less arbitrary, and leads to less arguments." So that's how it's ...
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