Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, Lagaan is one of the best motivational movies in Bollywood. Set in the pre-independence era, the film revolves around the Cricket game and how a group of villagers win over the British men in the game. Starring Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, Yashpal Sharma among ot...
Bollywood has been making Horror films for the past few decades. Making Horror as one of the main elements in the script used to be a very popular commercial element in the Hindi scripts during the 90s and 2000s. Now, we bring the list of Best Horror Movies made in Bollywood. List of ...
Check Out –Underrated Bollywood Movies 9. Sanju Based on the life of actor Sanjay Dutt, played by Ranbir Kapoor in the movie, this film madeRs 587 Crore. Business Today 10. Tiger Zinda Hai Though the second part of theTiger series, this movie starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif released...
Top 10 Best Actors from Kannada CinemaTop 10 Best Indian (Bollywood) Movies of All TimeTop 10 Best Shahrukh Khan MoviesTop 10 Best Vijay FilmsTop 10 Best Kamal Haasan Tamil Movies List Stats 8,000 votes245 listings1,465 comments Top Remixes Kempe Gowda Vishnuvardhana My Autograph Sangolli ...
Deepika Padukone is one of the most iconic Bollywood actresses of all time. She has starred in some of the biggest Bollywood movies of all time, and has won numerous awards for her work. She is also a successful model and has appeared on the cover of many magazines. ...
Sunil Shetty is a popular action hero of Indian cinema who has given a new direction to action films in India. He is a Bollywood movie actor, producer and business person chiefly active in Bollywood. In a career span of over 25 years, he has appeared in over 110 movies. He started off...
Cricket and movies. Two things that are so similar that there was bound to be some connection. Both are major sources of entertainment, both have massive fan following across the world and both involve normal people who are elevated to the status of God. Bollywood has made quite a few movie...
To know if the movies in this list are hit or flop check hereBox Office Collection.You can also find box office collections of all the movies of 2017 there Also Try: Top 10 Bollywood Movies 2014 Top 10 Bollywood Movies of All Time ...
Top Bollywood Grossers: Baahubali 2, Dangal, KGF Chapter 2, Pathaan, Sanju, and PK are the highest-grossing Hindi movies in India. We present the list of the highest-grossing Bollywood movies. In this list, we will have a look at the highest-grossing Hindi movies of all time along with...
New Bollywood Movies - Here is the collection of Top 10 new released Hindi Movies which are drama, action, romantic, horror, comedy, thriller and love movies.