“Huckleberry Finn as 15-year-old rock critic, in one of the best coming-of-age movies ever made. Writer-director Cameron Crowe based the film on his own experiences, when he was 15, convinced a Rolling Stone editor he was an adult, and was assigned to accompany the Allman Brothers on ...
The top 10 movies of 2000 Story-driven movies dominateRoger Ebert
The Top 10 Christmas Movies of All Time (according to IMDB) 1 Home Alone(1990) 《小鬼当家》 It comes as no surprise that topping this list off is the very original classic Christmas comedy that isHome Alone. 超经典原创圣诞喜剧...
The Top 10 Horror Movies Since 2000 By Ryan Lattanzio September 18, 2014 4:17 pmShare This October, London Film Fest revealed a new 4K restoration of Tobe Hooper’s “Texas Chainsaw Massacre,” the one that started it all in 1974. Buzz about the beefed-up version prompted BFI to pick...
There are a lot of horror movies, some good, some downright disgusting, but all of them extremely scary. It seems that some of the best horror movies emerged in the last 10 years alone, so a top 50 best horror movies would be better suited. However, we have compiled a list of the ...
Like most natural disaster movies, 2000'sThe Perfect Stormdoesn't have a happy ending. When a devastating storm catches a swordfishing boat in its clutches, things take a disastrous turn for the worse. Making this even more heartbreaking? It's based on the true story of the "1991 Perfect...
Meet the Parents Pokémon: The Movie 2000 Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Malena 8Load More PSearch List Featured Popular Latest Top 10 Best Movies of 2024 Top 10 Best Albums of 2024 Top 10 Best Songs of 2024 Best Car Insurance Companies Best Fitness Center Chains and Gym Franchises Bes...
一生只有不到10部作品的意大利导演塞尔乔·莱翁内却是意大利西部片的开山鼻祖,他以黑泽明武士影片、美国西部片为基础开创出独特的意大利西部片风格。这位低产导演对意大利电影以及美国独立电影都产生过不小影响,中国影迷所熟悉的《美国往事》便是他的收山之作。 010《搏击俱乐部》 导演:大卫·芬奇 主演:爱德华·诺顿 /...
10) Easter Bunny, Kill Kill (2006) To be clear, this 2006 bargain-basement wannabe grindhouse movie isn’t particularly good. However, this list needed to reach ten entries somehow, and it is one of themost sick-n’ twisted movies ever to feature bunnies. The sordid little tale involves...
Theatrical Animated Movies of the 2000s and 2010s For this list we will be looking back at the absolute worst animated movies from the 2000's and 2010's decade and we will only be looking at animated movies that were released in theaters The Top Ten The Emoji Movie This movie is awful...