Singin’ In The Rainranks sixth in the ranking of the all-time best movies, while also being considered the greatest musical movie of all time. Directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, the movie also stars Gene Kelly, alongside Debbie Reynolds, and Donald O’Connor. It is set during Holl...
There's nothing quite like the thrill of following a saga unfold on the big screen, from its jaw-dropping origin story to its grand finale.
The movie itself is simply amazing. It is directed by one of the greatest directors, Coppola, and boasts possibly the greatest cast, including Brando, Duvall, Pacino, and others. I don't want to delve too deeply into this argument. You can all watch the movie and form your own opinions...
This week we're looking back at best Directors of Photography to ever let light touch film. From every era, from all over the world, from all walks of life, these are the best cinematographers of all time. VisitCineFixfor more episodes and movie-related content. ...
Africa got talents. Most remain unexplored. The top 10 African movie directors have set the pace of what Africa is capable of producing. There are many more films coming up by Africans about Africa, which every person with interest to know Africa better
He is one of the richest male porn stars ever and was married to actress Mia Malkova in the year 2014. Also, he is considered to be among the richest adult movie stars of England. Watch His Videos Slow VPN? --> Get Blazing Fast FREE VPN Hookup With Hot Girls 16...
, the gold rush and dozens of other undeniably great films. and there are interesting differences of opinion along professional divides: directors, writers and agents all agreed on their choice for the greatest movie ever (hint: it rhymes with “schmodfather”), while cinematographers chose 2001...
The 15 top-earning movie directors of all time at the US box officeJohn Lynch
10/2/2011 by Michelle McCue WeAreMovieGeeks.comSimilar News Star Wars Did Three Iconic Directors Turn Down George Lucas’ Offer To Helm The Star Wars Prequels? 12/30/2024 by Team KoiMoi “Why didn’t we think of it sooner?”: It Took Eric Kripke 3 Years to Bring a Game-...
Watch: 'Until Dawn' movie's first look has landed1:07 With all the attention actors, directors, and cinematography get sometimes, it's easy to forget about the little things. Props can be tools, weapons, character builders, or maguffins and these are the 10 best of all time. ...