With millions of pictures taken every day, we can easily get lost in the vast world of images. That's why TIME magazine decided to create a list of the 100 most influential pictures ever taken. They teamed up with curators, historians, photo editors, and famous photographers around the worl...
最伟大的物理学家 Top10(国外英文资料).doc,最伟大的物理学家 Top10 The greatest physicist, Top10 PhysicsWeb once voted for the greatest physicist in history, as shown below: 1: Newton (classical mechanics, optics) Newton (Sir, Isaac, NewtonFRS, January 4, 1
a"whoisthemostinfluentialpersoninthehistoryof science?"" Accordingtothepoll,Newtonisconsideredtobemore influentialthanBialbertEinstein. 2:Einstein(founderofrelativityandquantummechanics) Einstein(Albert,Einstein,March14,1879,-1955April18th), theworld-famousGermanAmericanmedicine ...
Hatshepsut was one of the most powerful women in the ancient world. She was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt and she ruled longer than any other woman in Egyptian history. Hatshepsut was married to her sickly half brother, Thutmose II, and the two of them began ...
THE TOP Five MOST INFLUENTIAL DRIVING THE INDUSTRY AND MAKING HISTORY IN THE PROCESS.This article profiles the top five most influential persons in the off-road business in the U.S. It begins with Jim Baldwin, owner of Championship Off Road Road Racing (CORR), who made the company ...
His beautiful image has become the most famous and frequently reproduced picture of the 20th century, and it forms the basis of our collective memory of that transformative moment in world history. “People tell me that when I’m in heaven,” Eisenstaedt said, “they will remember this ...
December 8, 2022 is a memorable day in the history of Leadingpharm. The All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Chamber of Medicine and Pharmacy released the "2021 Most Influential List of China's Pharmaceutical Industry", and Chairman Wallace Tao was elected as the "2021 Top 10 Leaders...
In the fast-paced digital landscape of the 21st century, Indonesia has emerged as a hub for its growing number of influential internet personalities, which is expanding as quickly as its social media market (source: Navigating Indonesia's Social Media Marketing Landscape)....
Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Greece 4. The Rise of the Greek Tyrants (650 BC) The tyrants were oppressive rulers in Greece. They were influential opportunists who remained in power with the help of mercenary soldiers. The tyrants often emerged from the aristocracy, and the force...
Shotwell has been inducted into the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame and was named one ofTimemagazine's 100 most influential people in the world in 2020.