African Slave Trade Was awful, purely awful, but cannot be placed too high on the list as the slave trade was orchestrated by native Africans. However, one of the worst events in history was the way slaves were treated, an informal genocide for over 200 years. Terrorist attacks and shooting...
His awful leadership and racist tendencies make him easily one of the most evil leaders in all of human history. Few will ever top him. Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Georgian dictator, and was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his ...
UCA News - January 10, 2025 Anger targeting Cambodia’s ruling party continued to mount on Jan. 9 as authorities in the northwest town of Battambang arrested an alleged hitman accused of assassinating an opposition politician with dual French-Khmer citizenship on the streets of Bangkok. Ex-Thai...
Despite this awful cultural genocide, Canada’s Indigenous cultures managed to live on. With the first public apology made by the Government of Canada in 2008 and now hopefully with another coming from the Pope soon, we will have learned from this tragic past and move forward with respecting,...
Israel claims that CCTV footage proves hostages were taken to the Gaza hospital. A lack offuel is threatening a communication blackout in Gaza. Iran has told Hamas that it will not go to war with Israel. TheUS has backed up Israel’s claim that Hamas is operating out of hospitals.Netanyah...
The National Air and Space Museum is one of the world's most popular museums, with a collection of history-making air and spacecraft that includes theoriginal 1903 Wright Brothers Flyerand Charles Lindbergh'sSpirit of St. Louis, the first plane to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. ...
Byline: ANDREW ROBERTS SOMEHOW it is appropriate that in the week that history's most...Roberts, Andrew
Incidentally, he also goes to his relatives in the post-US-existing Brit military, rather than going with your angle. Bob says: January 9, 2023 at 10:24 pm -Your refusal to engage with the actual arguments made and history involved is noted- I thought “We did an awful lot of lootin...
Its precious cargo is sorely needed. In strangling the supply of food, Ocampo said, Azerbaijan’s government has crossed a critical line. ‘We are starving to death:’ Residents of Nagorno-Karabakh fear for future under blockade “This is an ongoing genocide. Thi...
Go search Venezuela and the battle over coca-cola and the 'death' of Chavez, or even the history of Libya, and why Ghaddafi was portrayed as he was in the media. All of those countries refused to let outside corporate commerce into their countries, and denied central banking, ultimately ...