Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co. , Ltd. , a well-known brand of milk, was established in 1993, listed company, China’s top 500, with domestic gold milk source belt, has China’s large-scale high-quality milk source base, by liquid milk, cold drinks, milk powder, yogurt and r...
Over 200 fans have voted on the 10+ companies on Best Coconut Milk Brands. Current Top 3: Silk, Blue Diamond Breeze, Coconut Dream
Check out this list of the best almond milk brands, ranked from best to worst by user votes. Almond milk is a milk substitute made from ground almonds. It is ...
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam,Sept. 28, 2021/PRNewswire/ --Vietnam Dairy Products Joint Stock Company(Vinamilk) has become one of the world's Most Valuable Dairy Brands with a brand value ofUS$ 2.4 billionaccording to the 2021 Brand Finance report. The comp...
今年年中,世界局势有些不稳定,经济环境对北美公司来说并不友好。七月底,阿根廷第三次债务违约;巴勒斯坦和以色列再度开战;俄罗斯对乌克兰政府造成动荡;还有阿富汗,伊拉克和伊朗也状况百出。 这是投资海外市场的好时机吗? 从过去的报告中,可以看出本土食品饮料公司想在海外扩张或收购的野心。再回过头来看看去年的并购,不难...
Chinese brands Top 10: Mengniu 蒙牛 Mengniu is an Inner-Mongolia based dairy manufacturer which specializes in milk, powered milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese. Mengniu owes its success (in part) to a fantastic ad campaign from the late 1990s which links Mengniu products to the strength of ...
Top 100 milk brands in China, cover full milk products of dairy company: powdered milk, skim milk, chocolate milk, whole milk, uht milk, raw milk, organic milk, low fat milk, baby milk powder, etc.
玛氏箭牌今年下滑一位至第10名,其北美食品收入增长5亿美元。 值得注意的是,除未有数据的史密斯菲尔德和玛氏箭牌外,前10品牌2021年的净收入均得到了长足进步,其中,JBS USA和卡夫亨氏的净收入涨幅更是达到约316%和283%。 03、北美市场丰收的一年 ...
2022年的北美食品饮料TOP10的入榜企业基本没有变化。 值得注意的是,前五名品牌之间的北美(食品)销售额有较大差距,除百事与泰森于400亿美元档上遥遥领先外,在该榜单排名前4名的企业的北美收入均超过300亿美元,今年排名第4名的雀巢的2021年北美食品收入为313.07亿美元,与排名第5名的卡夫亨氏拉开将近110亿美元的差距...
由于2021年底收购了卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)的奶酪业务,兰特黎斯Lactalis美国集团 (Lactalis American Group)的市值跃升了10亿美元。但是一些公司的亏损,也正是源于不合理的收购计划。 2015年,Smucker进入宠物食品领域,斥资58亿美元收购了销售额达23亿美元的Big Heart Pet Brands,加上后来收购的 Rachel Ray Nutrish,宠物...