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内容来源: 相关阅读 1. 盘点:10大被引次数最多的撤稿文章 2. 柳叶刀:2040年全球预期寿命预测地图(含中国数据) 3. 资源包共享:教程PPT、Meta分析资料包、各类软件安装包... 医咖会微信:medieco-ykh 关注医咖会,涨姿势! 快加小咖...
2018年8月,该疗法获得了FDA批准。 内容来源: (想要及时获得更多内容可关注“医咖会”微信公众号和网站:传播研究进展,探讨临床研究设计与医学统计学方法) 医咖会 - 临床研究设计和医学统计交流平台
RNA干扰疗法目前主要用于癌症和神经系统疾病。如果取得重大进展,阿尔茨海默病将成为RNA干扰疗法最重要的应用。迄今为止最成功的RNA干扰疗法是治疗遗传性转甲状腺素蛋白淀粉样变性。2018年8月,该疗法获得了FDA批准。 内容来源:
What innovations will change the course of medicine over the next 12 months? Each year, the Cleveland Clinic makes its predictions in the form of its Top 10 Medical Innovations list. This year’s list contains no surprises, with technology that addresses some of the country’s ...
Cleveland Clinic's Top 10 medical innovations for 2017 Using the microbiome -- the trillions of helpful bacteria that make a home inside the human gut -- to prevent, treat and diagnose disease will be named the top medical innovation for 2017 today at the Cleveland Clinic’s annual Medical ...
“Healthcare is ever-changing and we anticipate that these innovations will significantly transform the medical field and improve care for patients at Cleveland Clinic and throughout the world,” said Dr. Roizen. Here, in order of anticipated importance, are the Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2020...
The article focuses on the top 10 medical innovations for 2010 unveiled by a panel of Cleveland Clinic practitioners at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Innovation Summit in 2009. Cleveland Clinic said that the team responsible for selecting the list of breakthrough devices and therapies has interviewed ...
Here are the top 10 medical innovations of 2019, ranked in order of importance by the Cleveland Clinic: 1. Alternative therapies for pain management 2. The advent of AI in healthcare 3. Expanded window of time for acute stroke intervention ...