14 Johan Liebert - Monster Johan Liebert is a character in the anime and manga series Monster, created by Naoki Urasawa. He is the twin brother of the main character, Dr. Kenzo Tenma, and serves as the primary antagonist. Johan is a highly intelligent, manipulative individual with a mysterio...
Ray's latest manipulative plan involves constantly turning down Debra in the bedroom. Season: Everybody Loves Raymond - Season 9 Episode Number: 14 Series: Everybody Loves Raymond 27 She's the One 57 votes Season 7 Episode 9: Robert is excited because he's dating a gre...
10.Yoshi Anime:Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san Going back-to-back with another character from the same anime. Now some of you might be wondering: “Why put Yoshi above the main female lead of the show?” To which I would reply, “Ya just don’t get it.” ...
He's badass, sexy, but manipulative and dangerous. 12 Ayumi Yoshida Beautiful, nice, and has a kind heart. That was Ayumi, so I like her. 13 Vermouth She should be in the top 10! She's the only sharp, cunning woman and even helps Kudo in some instances. In the series, she even...
Likelihood of happening: 2/10. Kinda popular but neither one are majorly requested characters, nor are they particularly well known at that. 162. Orochimaru vs Medusa (Naruto vs Soul Eater) TN by TimeFreezer4 Connections: Manipulative serpent themed antagonists based off of mythological...
After winning a beam katana in an online auction, Travis is hired to kill an assassin by a manipulative seductress. He is then ranked as the #11 assassin by the United Assassins Association. Being ranked by the UAA means that he’ll eventually be targeted by other aspiring assassins, so Tr...
As the patriarch of the Petrelli family, Arthur demonstrates both manipulative cunning and ruthless aggression in his pursuit of power. His role within the series created some of its most memorable storylines while showcasing how unlimited ambition can lead to corruption. 32 11 votes Arthur Bishop ...
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her attitude is completely heinous. She’s rude, distrustful, and extremely manipulative, even towards Anna whom Mari claims she’s in love with. All of the harassment and physical abuse she deals out doesn’t make her endearing in any way...
Izaya is incredibly manipulative and seeks to create difficult situations to see how others will overcome them. This prevents him from forming friendships or creating lasting bonds with others. He is a loner and is often seen playing by himself in his apartment. While he seeks out people to ...