孩之宝通过游戏、消费品、娱乐和授权计划为全球用户提供引人入胜的品牌体验,旗下品牌包括:《万智牌(Magic:The Gathering)》、《龙与地下城(Dungeons&Dragons)》、孩之宝游戏、NERF、变形金刚、我的小马驹(My Little Pony) 是全球戏剧领导者,其使命是通过讲述故事的奇迹和戏剧的兴奋感来娱乐和连接几代粉丝。Hasbro通过...
Magic: The Gathering is a collectible card game that has captured the hearts of millions of players around the world. One of the game’s most exciting aspects is the Commander format, where players build decks around a legendary creature that serves as their Commander. Furthermore, these Comman...
No.1:万智牌 Magic: The Gathering 出品:威世智(Wizards of the Coast,孩之宝旗下) No.2:精灵宝可梦卡牌 Pokemon Trading Card Game 出品:宝可梦国际 No.3:游戏王 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG 出品:科乐美(Konami) No 4:矩阵潜袭 Android: Netrunner 出品:Fantasy Flight Games No.5:魔兽世界 World of Warcraft 出品:...
游戏品牌万智牌爬升速度惊人 在所有连续两年上榜的品牌中,万智牌(Magic: The Gathering)从去年的17位爬升到今年的第九位,品牌价值同比增长了122%,速度惊人。该品牌自1993年成立以来,就吸引了庞大的粉丝群,拥有各类游戏社群。据其母公司孩之宝的2022年全年财报显示,万智牌是孩之宝旗下首个年收入超过10亿美元的品牌。...
在所有连续两年上榜的品牌中,万智牌(Magic: The Gathering)从去年的17位爬升到今年的第九位,品牌价值同比增长了122%,速度惊人。该品牌自1993年成立以来,就吸引了庞大的粉丝群,拥有各类游戏社群。据其母公司孩之宝的2022年全年财报显示,万智牌是孩之宝旗下首个年收入超过10亿美元的品牌。未来,孩之宝将加强线上业务,...
Magic: the Gathering是第一个也是最广泛玩的交易卡游戏。玩家扮演Planeswalkers的角色 -强大的法师,为了荣耀,知识和征服而与别人战斗。他们的武器包括从巨大的独特幻想世界的多样性中收集的法术,生物和文物。 Magic拥有1200多万球员和球迷,全球共有11种语言印刷,在70多个国家和地区播放。
在日本iOS畅销榜上,《游戏王 Master Duel》(游戏王 MD)常年保持在TOP150、《游戏王 Duel Links(游戏王 DL)》也在50~200名之间徘徊。《Magic: The Gathering Arena(MTGA)》同样徘徊在美国iOS畅销榜50~200多名,近半年来似乎还有逐渐增长的势头。 而宝可梦卡牌的手游产品则是2022年上线的《Pokémon TCG Live》(...
Magic: The Gathering 出品:威世智(Wizards of the Coast,孩之宝旗下) No.2:精灵宝可梦卡牌 Pokemon Trading Card Game 出品:宝可梦国际 No.3:游戏王 Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG 出品:科乐美(Konami) No 4:矩阵潜袭 Android: Netrunner 出品:Fantasy Flight Games ...
Our ranking for fourth best weapon for Dex builds goes to the only Twinblade on our list, the Godskin Peeler. This weapon scales primarily in Dexterity, and can also be infused with Ashes of War as well as buffed with magic. Make sure to try out its default weapon skill, Black Flame ...
This would be most powerful in green decks that are playing the whole contingent of mana dorks - past that point, I'm not sure where else I would want to try to include it. Maybe I'm just kidding myself here - after all, we've had Reprocess for the great majorit...