MAEducational Leadership and Management /教育领导力与管理 MASpecial and Inclusive Education /特殊与包容性教育 MA TESOL /对外英语教学 伯明翰大学 Universityof Birmingham 上榜QS“教育学和培训”学科排名:英国第10; 上榜软科“教育学”学科排名:英国第6; 伯明翰大学教育学院,长期以来一直享有在教育实践和政策的广泛...
链接: 其他分支划分的教育学硕士专业有: MA Education (Comparative and International Perspectives) /教育学(比较与国际视角) MA Education (Leadership) /教育学(领导力) MA Education (Inclusion and Disability) /教育学(包容与残疾) MA ...
MA Educational Leadership and Management /教育领导力与管理 MA Special and Inclusive Education /特殊与包容性教育 MA TESOL /对外英语教学 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham 上榜QS“教育学和培训”学科排名:英国第10; 上榜软科“教...
and decision-making proficiency are crucial for impactful leadership. A growth mindset encourages leaders to be resilient and adaptable, constantly seeking personal and professional development. Leadership development, through self-study, workshops, and courses, is key to honing these qualities and cultivat...
10. Ability to Delegate The ability to delegate is also a strong quality that makes a good leader, highlighting the importance of leadership delegation. “If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delega...
These courses help participants to strengthen their leadership capabilities and learn how to communicate financial input more effectively, while also gaining insight into the latest developments in corporate finance. Digital technology is a prominent theme for many of these courses, as CFOs use data ana...
其中core courses一共有9节,分别在analytics skills和leadership, management and communication。MSAA项目主要培养学生利用数据做出决策,并提出解决问题的可行性分析建议。项目更关注数据推理和建立组织价值,而不是纯粹的科学统计数据,授课方式有案例研究,小组讨论等,有利于学生将理论和实际结合起来。项目时长3个学期,每...
Transformational Leadership and Charismatic Leadership Hidden Figures tells the true story of the Black women mathematicians who worked at NASA in the 1960s, focusing on Katherine Goble, the woman who eventually helped calculate trajectories for the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. Speaking up in the...
查查小编整理了美国藤校+前10大学的附加文书供大家参考,大部分院校题目都发生了改变,一起来看看吧! No.1 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学目前还未公布2023-2024年的附加文书题目。 但普林斯顿大学非常看重学生的英语学术写作能力。因为除了附加文书的要求,普林斯顿大学都会有一个Graded Written Paper。
2) Leadership Insights 商学院十分强调自我反思(Self-reflection)精神的体现。所以除了告诉学校你的领导...