9. Plant Direct:一本开放获取的植物科学综合性学术期刊,发表有关植物生物学、生态学、分子生物学等领域的原创论文。 10. Molecular Plant:一本涵盖植物生物学、生物化学及分子生物学等方向的重要学术期刊。https... 地球科学 地球科学领域中包括地理信息系统与遥感、气象学、水科学等学科的知名期刊,比如业内享有好评的地理遥感领域知名期刊GIScience & Remote Sensing、International Journal of Geographical Information Science等,为您推荐: 表现亮眼 GIScience & Remote Sensing 点击封...
3. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children(儿童回肠淋巴结增生、非特异性肠炎和广泛性发育障碍) 图片 发表期刊及时间:LANCET, FEB 28 1998撤稿时间:2010撤稿前被引次数:633撤稿后被引次数:569 原文链接:
sci一区top期刊是不是顶刊?所谓top期刊指的是专业内的顶级期刊,而sci一区收录的期刊也是各个领域都比较优秀的刊物,但需要注意的是顶刊是在同一个专业内来做比较的,跨行是没有可比性的。所以sci一区top期刊也可以说是顶刊,但前提是在一个专业领域内的。 通常来说中科院的大类分区中的一区的期刊基本会被直接...
Finding the information that you need on plant genomes is difficult when published data is spread across a vast amount of journals and the rest is unpublished. So we gathered together 10 of the best plant genome databases to make your job easier. A range of databases exist which...
Science Technology Review, top 10 scientific achievements, top 10 technological achievements and top 10 engineering achievements from China in 2014 during January 1 to December 31, are selected respectively from a lot of scientific researchespublished in influential academic journals and scientific ...
humanity’s top 10 problems for next 50 years 热度: A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t ©TheAuthor(s)2020.PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPressonbehalfoftheAnnalsofBotanyCompany.All rightsreserved.Forpermissions,pleasee-mail:journals.permissions@oup. ...
•MolecularandCellularBiologyincludingJournalsofBiotechnologyandthe LeadingMultisciencePublicationsexpertpanel:StevenAdams,Princeton University;KarenTempest,CSLLimited,Australia;MindyThuna,the UniversityofTorontoMississauga,Canada. •NaturalHistoryexpertpanel:LoriBronars,YaleUniversity;EleanorMacLean, ...
Traditional Medicine 2024 heartily welcomes you to join in "2nd Traditional Medicine and Plant Science" which will be held on May 09-10, 2024. We invite all the Scientists in the field of Traditional medicine, Doctors, Pharma related companies and Professors. Traditional Medicine 2024 aims to br...
This collection highlights our most downloaded* research papers published in 2019. Featuring authors from around the world, these papers highlight valuable research from an international community. *Data obtained from SN Insights which is based on Digital Science’s Dimensions....