The 1980s was one of the best decades ever for horror movies. But you might be surprised which films make this list of the 10 ’80s horror movies, ranked by box office. 10. The Shining (1980) Shelley Duvall inThe Shining, Warner Bros.– Credit: C/O Total Gross Worldwide:$47,548,41...
10. Peeping Tom偷窥狂 警告!别看《偷窥狂》,除非你愿在这些将死之人的脸上,看到前所未有的冲击与恐惧! 这部心理恐怖片围绕着一个谋杀妇女并记录她们的垂死神情的连环杀手。当时这个想法是新颖的,但之后被用在许多电影里,如电锯惊魂系列。这部电影太暴力和有争议,大多数评论家禁止这部电影,破坏了迈克尔鲍威尔的职业...
Louisiana, with its rich history, eerie swamps, and supernaturalfolklore, has inspired many memorablehorror films. Let's take a look at some of the besthorror moviesLouisiana has to offer... Unsplash Via Stormseeker Top 10 Louisiana Horror Movies Before we get to the Top 10 Louisiana Horror...
Top 10 Best Horror Movies of All TimeTop 10 Greatest Horror Movie KillersTop 10 Best Horror Movie CharactersTop 10 Best Horror Movie FranchisesBest Horror Movie Series List Stats 600 votes40 listings103 comments Top Remixes Slasher Psychological Supernatural Psychological Possession Found Footage and ...
第十名:恐怖喜剧 The Comedy of Terrors (1963) 文森特·普莱斯、彼得·洛、波利斯·卡洛夫和巴斯尔·拉斯博几位恐怖大师能继《魔鸟 The Raven (1963...
Top 10 Hollywood Horror Movies: journey with fmovies Horror movies have always held a special place in the hearts of film enthusiasts. They push the boundaries of fear, create suspense, and keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Hollywood, in particular, has produced some of the most ...
The movies that blend bone-chilling paranoia with cocky social commentary prove that horror doesn’t just have to be scary, it can also satirize.
Horror Movie SeriesTop Ten Things in Horror Movies that Aren't Scary AnymoreThings You Shouldn't Do After Watching a Scary MovieBest Movies in the Scary Movie SeriesTop 10 Movies that Have Least Stood the Test of Time List Stats 400 votes118 listings147 comments Top Remixes Attack of the ...
Top 10 Best Gothic Horror Movies: WatchMojo counts down the best, most frightening and most influential films that perfectly encompass the mood and look of gothic horror.
Top 10 Horror Movies Featuring Animals (and Behaviour)Felicity Muth