From anti-inflammatory foods to nonalcoholic sips, EatingWell predicts these 10 food and health trends are going to be everywhere in 2025.
When it comes to heart disease prevention, eating a heart-friendly diet can go a long way. Try this list of heart-healthy foods. Bonnie Taub-DixFeb. 5, 2025 Beef Tallow Beef tallow has been in the news recently, with some claiming that it is a healthier alternative to seed...
One of the best ways to quench your thirst, especially if you work outside and need to rehydrate yourself frequently, is to just drink plain water. According to the Mayo Clinic, up to 60 percent of the human body is made up of water, and every system in your body needs it to functi...
When you’ve got a fussy eater to contend with, it’s easy to get locked in a battle of wills. Annabel Karmel shares her top 10 tips
They’re definitely one of the healthy foods you should eat to lose weight. And with that in mind, We’ve got this pleasing bollos recipe for you to try. Once you have a taste of this, it’s sure to be your favorite healthy side dish! These nutritious buns taste amazing with strong...
Five Natural Detox Drinks If you are considering detoxification, you can try one of several drink recipes to help you through this process. However, you should always consult medical advice before beginning this program. Below are 5 natural drinks recipes geared to rid your body of toxins and ...
You will want to buy dark chocolate low in unhealthy fats and sugar, but don’t fret – there are plenty of tasty options. Dark chocolate with almonds, peanuts or berries is a treat that will benefit your immune system and taste buds alike. Or you could try baking healthy chocolate coconu...
They're made with tons of fruit,so they must be healthy,right?What most people don't realize,however,is that these delicious and"healthy"drinks are full of sugar and can have more calories(卡路里)than a large meal!Many smoothies have more than just fruit.Some hav...
Try sprinklingcinnamonover yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies to bump up the nutritional value of your healthy breakfast and reap the many health benefits of this invaluable spice. 3. Blueberries Tiny but packed with nutrients,blueberriesfit the superfoods definition to a T. Blueberries are brimming with...
Healthy Eating 101 1. Limit Drinks with Added Sugars Added sugarsare lurking in many seemingly healthy drinks, like fruit punch and sports drinks. Unfortunately, taking in too many added sugars has been linked to adverse outcomes including chronic inflammation, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes...