全球十大难学语言之一:汉语 [资料图片] 汉语是汉藏语系的一个分支,全世界以汉语为母语的人数超过了10亿。汉语的口语和文字之间的关系十分复杂。单从汉字的书写形式来看,无法辨别它如何发音。汉语的声调系统也十分令人头疼,因为现代标准汉语有四个声调,有许多,只是因为声调不同,意义就不一样,在书面上就写成4个不同...
018. Say Thank You in 21 Languages 02:01 019. Learn Thai - Lesson 1 How to Introduce Yourself in Thai 03:04 020. Learn Thai - Lesson 2 Thai Greetings and how to WAI 03:25 021. Learn Thai - Lesson 3 How are you 02:59 022. Learn Thai - Lesson 4 Thank You and I'm Sor...
QQ Microblog French, one of the 'Top 10 hardest languages to learn' (China.org.cn) Many languages have been claimed to be the toughest one to learn. Here follow ten candidates for the title of "hardest language to learn," as released by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultura...
P54054. Say 'I Love You' in 10 Languages - Happy Valentine's Day 00:54 P55055. Learn Russian with Video - Marine Life 02:23 P56056. Learn Russian with Video - Big Cats 02:23 P57057. Learn Russian with Video - Amphibians and Reptiles 02:23 P58058. Learn Russian with Video - Au...
The main difficulty and the reason it is the hardest one on this list is that the sentence structure and verb conjugation is different to English, and some words do not directly translate to English. Read more:The 10 Best Languages to Learn (and where to learn them) ...
Remember, there is no shortcut to mastering any languages. So in addition to these 10 hacks, practice, practice, and practice. The more you have practice, the more confident you'll feel about your progress; and the more confident you are, the more invested--and therefore, better--you wil...
Languages to LearnTop 10 Most Difficult Asian LanguagesTop 10 Most Wanted Languages for Duolingo (as of Duocon 2021)Top 10 Best LanguagesTop 10 Hardest Languages to Learn List Stats 4,000 votes54 listings1,180 comments Top Remixes Chinese Hindi Arabic Chinese Swedish Thai French Arabic German ...
When the new year comes, lots of people set a goal to learn a new language. If you are one of them, but you don't know which language to learn, you may want to know some of the hardest languages in the world.
|Print| French, one of the 'Top 10 hardest languages to learn' (China.org.cn) Manylanguageshavebeenclaimedtobethetoughestonetolearn.Herefollowtencandidatesforthetitleof"hardestlanguagetolearn,"asreleasedbytheUnitedNationsEducationalScientificandCulturalOrganization.Thislistof10candidatesincludesanexplanationasof...