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The interest rate is fixed for the life of theloan. At the beginning of the loan we work out the interest you will pay over the whole length of your loan and add this to your loan amount. We calculate your interest charge by applying interest at a monthly rate based on the APR to ...
The fake rates for muons vary from 4 to 94%, with the largest val- ues occurring in conditions similar to the electron case. Such variations are parameterised, as mentioned previously, using the lepton transverse momentum, the R between the lepton and the closest jet, as well as a ...
We specify the empirical model as follows:(1)P(LEAD_Actual) = β0 + β1Dialect_Same + β2Gender_Same + β3Age_Same + ∑ LEAD controls + ∑ Geographic controls + Fixed effects for year and industry + ewhere all variables are defined in Appendix I. Our main variables of interest are...
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The rates of charge misidentified electrons in the SS channels receive a 30% rate un- certainty, based on the agreement between predicted and observed SS dielectron events consistent with a Z boson decay. Theoretical uncertainties from the PDFs of different simulated processes, as well as the ...
Essentially, the approach followed here is to assign large a priori normalisa- tion uncertainties to the different tt + jets subprocesses, thus allowing the fit to simultaneously adjust their rates. Scale uncertainties in the inclusive theoretical cross sections used to normalise the simulated samples...
Given high rates of disability and chronic disease in the Medicaid population and the public dollars at stake, both the opportunities and the incentives to improve care and accountability in Medicaid are great. Many states have developed model programs to improve disease management and enhance the ...