and these people were known as “pharaohs,” a term used only for the emperors of ancient Egypt. The history of ancient Egypt is considered to be the longest and greatest of any country, lasting for more than 5,000 years and its ancient dynasties and kingdoms have been determined by...
The ancient world was a fascinating place full of history and incredible stories. From the great pyramids of Egypt to the mysterious lost city of Atlantis, the ancient world has been a source of excitement and intrigue for centuries. We’ll explore ten amazing facts about the ancient world tha...
Ramesses was one of the greatest pharaohs to have ever ruled in ancient Egypt. During a reign of more than 66 years, he led a number of military expeditions expanding Egyptian territory and gaining a stronghold over an impressively wide area from the Nile delta to the scorching deserts. His ...
10 Episodes2016 - 2016 Episode 1 Secrets of Egypt Sun, Jan 5, 202539 mins Think you know everything about Ancient Egypt? The secrets surrounding this incredible civilization have endured for millennia. The riddles of the Sphinx; Mummification; the Pyramids--the discoveries of Egypt have been amo...
In ancient Egypt they used mouldy bread to treat infected cuts and wounds. The mould would produce chemicals which would stop the growth of bacteria. Very clever! Embed from Getty Images Send us your favourite facts! Is there something we've missed? Got a fact you're dying to tell us?
13 Facts About Grace O'Malley, The Most Badass Lady Pirate You've Never Heard Of From Captivity To Terrorism: The Unlikely Rise of a Legendary Pirate What Was Hygiene Like On Pirate Ships? 10 Facts About Ching Shih, The Most Powerful Female Pirate That Ever Lived The Actual Reasons Why ...
The practice of divination has been used throughout history in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Africa, and Eastern Asia. This practice was used to accumulat... Oct. 31, 2023 10 Tips on Manipulating Energy to Get What You Want in Life By learning to use the power of our thoughts, we can manipul...
Brush up on your knowledge of Egypt's top 10 ancient sites, including the Pyramids of Giza, the Temple of Luxor, and the Temple of Horus.
Location:Cairo, Egypt Dr. Nisreen Lahham enjoys the trans-disciplinary nature of futurism. She has worked on projects about diverse issues such as water security, the future of energy, the future of youth, intelligent buildings, the development of cities over the next few decades, and planning ...
10 times ancient Egyptian discoveries awed us in 2022 - "From mummies with gold-plated tongues to a pyramid built for a previously unknown queen, here are 10 spectacular discoveries about ancient Egypt from 2022." 10 virtual tours of the world’s most famous landmarks - "They’re closed fo...