Best ESO Addons. Top 10 Addons. A full list of the most important ESO addons. Map Pins, Hodor Reflexes, LUI Extended and more!
Hunting Skyshards in ESO can be quite taxing, but there's an easier way to do it than just trying to figure out their locations by the vague clues in the game. The Skyshards addon shows you right where those pesky buggers are, and even what delves you need to go into to get them....
You literally have to invest 6 months of your life to master a particular profession (and there’s 10 inside), and I think it’s the reason people stay so long in there. In contrast with WoW, ESO or GW2 that most people will play for a few months, then get on to something ...
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之前有介紹過一款視窗置頂軟體:「DeskPins 免費「視窗置頂」軟體,把焦點工作釘在螢幕最上層」,而很多桌面管理工具中也都包含了視窗置頂這個實用的小功能,例如:「快速上手Dexpot 1.5,用多重虛擬桌面分類視窗工作群組」。 不過呢,一方面上述軟體畢竟都要額外安裝並且常駐,我們不一定總是會喜歡、習慣開啟這些工具。而另外...