To choose ten most endangered animals is a tough job. For every endangered animal selected for the list, hundreds of other creatures that are in just as much danger of extinction are left out. While our planet is blessed with such diversity of unique creatures, humans have intervened with the...
There are over 1 million different types of species located on planet earth and over a thousand of them make it on the endangered animals list. In order for an animal to be considered endangered, it must be at risk of becoming extinct from one of two things: diminished numbers due to exc...
35 Animals That Are Going Extinct (Critically Endangered Species) Children's Information on Endangered Animals Endangered Animals in the Rainforest The Top 10 Most Beautiful Animals in the World
The number of endangered species continues to climb at an alarming rate. Drawing attention to their plight is paramount to providing opportunities for recovery. According to the World Conservation Union (IUCN), over 18,000 species are known to be critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. The...
It’s sad to say that many of the beautiful creatures you know may not be in the near future. What the hard truth we don’t like to admit is human activities are one of the causes that lead endangerment of many species. Here the list of 10 most beautiful endangered animals. ...
Among crocodilians, Crocodylus rhombifer (shown here) is one of the world’s most endangered species with the smallest natural distribution. In Cuba, the species coexists with the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). (Image credit: Stave Zack/Wildlife Conservation Society.) Don't mistake this ...
to some of breathtaking and unique wildlife in the world. The lack of larger natural predators makes wildlife in Galapagos so special and extremely domesticated. These volcanic Islands are also known their large number of unique animal species. Here the list of 10 endemic animals of Galapagos ...
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Current status: Endangered Little is known about this animal which, until less than a decade ago, was known to scientists from only one specimen, found in 1876. Both this specimen and the ones discovered recently were located on Ile de Pin in New Caledonia. In 2003, a live specimen was ...
Thisendangered speciesis alsoone of the most powerful birds in the world. Martial eagles have the ability to knock a person down, break your arm, or carry away kids. But don’t worry; these birds tend to besolitaryandshy towards humansand rarely come close to them. ...