6月26日,世界经济论坛(WEF)发布了《2023年十大新兴技术》(Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023),其中重点介绍了将在未来三至五年内会对社会产生积极影响的技术。该报告不仅列出了十大技术及其相关风险和机遇,还评估了每项技术对社会、经济和环境的潜在影响。 01柔性电池 从可卷曲的计算机屏幕到“智能”服装,电子产...
[1] IUPAC Announces the 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry https://iupac.org/iupac-2024-top-ten-emerging-technologies/ [2] F. Gomollón-Bel, IUPAC’s 2024 Top Ten Emerging Technologies in Chemistry.Chemistry...
In collaboration with Frontiers Media, the Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2023 report - now in its 11th year - brings together the perspectives of over 90 experts from 20 countries in the world. New technologies have the power to disrupt industries, grow economies, improve lives and safeguard ...
Join us to take a look at the emerging technologies and explore their projected impact on lives and livelihoods in the years ahead.
We have already identified the 10 most important emerging technologies for 2023; this report identifies 10 more that you should know. Four of the technologies will deliver benefits to most firms in the next two years; four have a medium-term benefits horizon; and two are still five or more ...
In 2019, the IUPAC started a quest to select the most interesting emerging technologies in the chemical sciences [1]. Now, this established initiative continues year after year—adding ideas to a list of innovations with an enormous potential to transfor
Autonomous vehicles, one of the most exciting emerging technologies, are set to transform transportation in 2024 further. By eliminating the need for human drivers, autonomous vehicles have the potential to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and increase mobility for millions of people. ...
TheScientist’s Top 10 Innovations contest is back. This year we took nominations for cutting-edge products launched between January 2023 and July 2024. The results showcased emerging trends in basic, translational, and clinical research, and beyond. ...
Despite new technologies delivering great value to the digital world across various domains, many global MNCs have reduced their workforce, resulting in the loss of more than 2 lakh jobs in 2023 alone. There are many factors behind the job cuts. Still, to combat the concern of losing jobs in...
advancements in fundamental research, witnessed breakthroughs in core technologies, amplified international collaboration, and fostered growth in emerging industries since the beginning of 2023. Let’s look back at the 10 most impactfu...