In 2022, Russia launched an invasion against its neighbor, Ukraine. As a result of its actions, the country was hit by many sanctions and other economic punishments, which greatly hurt its economy in 2022, as seen by a contraction of GDP as opposed to growth; the only country on this lis...
GDP is also used to calculate other important economic indicators, such as per capita income and economic growth. Which Countries Have the Highest GDP in 2024? Here are the countries with the highest GDP, according to the Forbes: Rank & Country GDP (USD billion) United States Of ...
As a result of its actions, the country was hit by many sanctions and other economic punishments, which greatly hurt its economy in 2022, as seen by a contraction of GDP as opposed to growth; the only country on this list to have experienced that.35 12. Mexico Nominal GDP in Current...
South Korea was considered a developing country until the 1960s. Due to far-reaching economic reforms (referred to as the Miracle of the Hangang River), the country’s economy entered a period of rapid growth (about an annual 10% growth for over 30 years). Today, South Korea‘s GDP is...
Qatar is Number 8, with a per capita GDP value of USD 64,781.7. The country’s oil and natural gas resources are the main drivers of its economic growth and income. Thus, the most important industries include natural gas, crude oil production and refining, ammonia, petrochemicals, steel, ...
Moreover, the zones continued to enhance ecological environment protection, with industrial consumption and pollution emission falling below the country's average. Let's see the top 10 national economic and technological development zones in China in 2020. ...
Five of the 10 most indebted countries are in Africa, while three are in South America. The only European country on our list, Ukraine has relied oninternational supportamidst the conflict with Russia. It is estimated that Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country caused the loss of a th...
Four European countries are in the world’s 10 largest economies, according to research by the Centre for Economic and Business Research. The annual World Economic League Table 2015 published on Friday (26 December) by the London-based think tank puts the US as the world’s main economic powe...
RankCountryReal GDP in 2075 (USD trillions) 1 China $57.0 2 India $52.5 3 US $51.5 4 Indonesia $13.7 5 Nigeria $13.1 6 Pakistan $12.3 7 Egypt $10.4 8 Brazil $8.7 9 Germany $8.1 10 UK $7.6 11 Mexico $7.6 12 Japan $7.5 13 Russia $6.9 14 Philippines $6.6 15 France $6.5 Project...
Half of China's top 10 economic counties in terms of GDP in 2020 come from East China's Jiangsu province, Yicai reported on April 14. Kunshan, Jiangyin and Zhangjiagang, the top three economies in county-level, are all from Jiangsu province, followed by Jinjiang from East China's Fujian ...