2. Devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria cause heavy casualties A 7.7-magnitude earthquake on Feb. 6 struck the southern region of Türkiye near the Syrian border, followed by continuous aftershocks. The disaster caused more than 50,000 deaths in Türkiye and more than 1,000 deaths in ...
The Bootlace Worm is the longest animal in the world. Bootlace worms are ribbon worms, which can stretch up to an astonishing length of 55 meters or 180 feet, while only being up to 10 millimeters or 0.4 inches wide. They are also known for producing highly toxic mucus, through which the...
It is not clear if the monastery was built by the Benedictines or Basilians sometime in the Middle Ages. So, you can discover the history and beauty behind the monastery’s renovated facade. Undoubtedly, a monastery that survived 2 earthquakes, surely keeps some of the most best and interest...
The relentless march of time bears witness to a series of environmental cataclysms, each leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of human civilization. From the fury of tropical storms in South Carolina to the seismic terror of major earthquakes in the western hemisphere, these disasters highlight...
parts of China and Bangladesh were also shaken, the report showed. The tremor forced people to scamper out of their homes to open areas. The Northeastern region falls in the high seismic zone, making earthquakes frequently hit the region. Tremors felt in Odisha as 5.1 magnitude earthquake strike...
The tower is very strong, and was designed and built to be able to withstand earthquakes up to nine on the Richter scale, as well as high winds and tropical storms. 5. Ping An International Finance Centre - 599m The financial district skyline of Shenzhen, China, featuring the Pin An sky...
Cangde Grand Bridge is the third longest bridge in the world. The bridge has 3,092 piers and is also a part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. Cangde Grand Bridge. PHOTO | COURTESY Completed in 2010, the Cangde Grand Bridge is designed to endure strong earthquakes and other nat...
中国20世纪十大地震回顾(AreviewofChina'stop10earthquakes inthe20thcentury) ReviewofthetenearthquakeintwentiethCenturyinChina The1920Haiyuanearthquake InDecember16,192020when5minutesand53seconds,China HaiyuanCountyofNingxiamagnitude8.5earthquake.240 thousandpeopledied,fourdestroyedthecity,dozensof countiessuffereddamage...
Craco is a city built on a rocky summit, located in the region of Basilicata (the province of Matera). It was purposely built on a rocky peak in order to repel any invaders. Abandoned Village of Craco, Basilicata, Italy Its setting on a cliff made it vulnerable to earthquakes and landsli...