10. Ukraine There is an ongoing conflict in Ukraine with Russia. Between the countries, the armed forces are involved with on the ground conflict in the Eastern region, and it is not uncommon for locals to get involved in the conflict. Read about the #9 Most Dangerous Country “Egypt” on...
Well with this article you are about to find out the most dangerous countries in Africa so far. Africa has been a peaceful place in the past. Gone are the days when you find it difficult to see a peaceful country again in Africa. This list was being compiled based on the degree of in...
All in all, the security situation in Mali remains unpredictable. Safe areas one day could become dangerous the next due to sudden attacks, political shifts, or changes in local power dynamics. Keep a close eye on the security situation and be ready to adapt your plans on the fly. 11. So...
8. FRANCE According to the recent statistics, French history is known to 17 convicted serial killers who were the most notorious killers of all times. The most dangerous of all was the one nicknamed as “French ripper” he was named so because of the horrifying way he used to kill and to...
The US is now one of the top 10 most dangerous countries for women, according to a new listMadison Vanderberg
Top 10 Dangerous Travel Destinations For Your World Travel Bucket List If you turn onCNNat any given time on any given day, you’re likely to hear about some saddening act of cruelty happening in some remote part the world. The regions where car bombs, drug wars and other instances of so...
The world faces some of “the most dangerous” risks in decades in 2023, according to a report published this week by the Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy. “A small group of individuals has amassed an extraordinary amount of power, making decisions of profound geopolitical consequence...
While independent travel to most of Somalia is dangerous and not advised, the autonomous northwestern part of Somalia, known as Somaliland, is open for the independent traveler. The easiest way to get to Somaliland is to fly into Addis Ababa, Ethiopia first and then head over to the Somaliland...
There are a couple of different metrics used to measure the top 10 largest countries in the world but we’re basing our list on the total land area rather than population. These are literally the biggest countries in the world. If you’ve felt held back by the lack of space where you ...
This list includes only signalized intersections, as signalized intersections have much higher accident rates due to their much higher rate of use. The top 10 most dangerous intersections in the state of Utah: 41st South and Redwood, Taylorsville. 45th South and State Street, Murray 35th South ...