1、冬枣243毫克 水果中的维生素 c 之王,热量较高,5、6颗冬枣就有一小碗饭的热量,别贪吃。常见蔬菜维生素ctop10 10、西兰花56毫克 其膳食纤维含量较高,是深受大家喜爱的蔬菜。9、苦瓜56毫克 消化能力差的人尽量少吃或不吃苦瓜,可能会胀气。8、红菜薹/紫菜薹57毫克 属于十字花科蔬菜,也是深色蔬菜;钾含量...
c :the stalk and leaves of a plant and especially one with edible roots beettops 2 :an upper piece, lid, or covering blouses, shirts, andtops put thetopon the jar 3 :the highest position reached thetopof the profession topped ˈtäpt ...
85 forezp/SpringCloudLearning 《史上最简单的Spring Cloud教程源码》 13.7k Java 06/10 86 jumpserver/jumpserver JumpServer 是全球首款开源的堡垒机,是符合 4A 的专业运维安全审计系统。 13.6k JavaScript 07/24 87 facert/awesome-spider 爬虫集合 13.5k - 07/10 88 huihut/interview 📚 C/C++ 技...
22:10 Norah O'Donnell interviews Adam Grant Jan 11, 2024 21:50 Norah O'Donnell interviews Arthur Brooks Nov 16, 2023 22:23 Norah O'Donnell interviews Mitt Romney Oct 26, 2023 22:22 More from Person To Person CBS Reports More Finding Common Ground | CBS Reports ...
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BEIJING, Dec. 26 (Xinhua) -- As the sporting year draws to a close, here are Xinhua News Agency's top 10 Chinese athletes of 2019: 1. China's women's volleyball team China's women's volleyball team produced a perfect run of 11 victories at the 13th FIVB Women's World Cup from Se...