听TedTalk UX设计的好处是,即使是非设计师也很容易理解,而在这10大视频中所谈论的一切都适用于现实世界。 1.如何变得更容易 How to Make Easier — Sheena Iyengar 我们通过选择时间来做出选择。Sheena Iyengar带领观众踏上了一段非凡的旅程,通过这部UX TED,我们认识到在日常生活中做出选择的重要性。她还讨论了选...
I’ve probably watched hundreds of TED talks over the years but as a composer and a music teacher, a great talk about music can really make my day (if not my week!). I love sharing inspirational stuff with my students so here some of the best TED talks about music. In no particular...
Top TED TalksStamant, Monica
医生、流行病学家 Ben Goldacre 向我们展示,证据是可以被扭曲的,揭示了一些明显的营养声明以及制药行业的骗局。 (https://www.ted.com/talks/ben_goldacre_battling_bad_science?language=en) 10. The curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think 大难题:社交媒体上“点赞...
(以下所有视频均在TED官网可以找到,根据自己的需求还可以选择中文字幕哦) 1. The best stats you’ve ever seen 你见过最好的数据统计 (播放次数:10,406,507) 你从未见过这样的数据。伴随着戏剧性和紧张性,统计大师 Hans Rosling 揭开了所谓的“发展中世界”的神话。
Your elusive creative genius – Elizabeth Gilbert Is it logical that anybody should be expected to be afraid of the work that they feel they were put on this Earth to do? Why we do what we do – Tony Robbins Because we all know, corny as it sounds, the secret to living is giving. ...
Eileen Isagon Skyers's TED Talk: In the Age of AI Art, What Can Originality Look Like? Eileen Isagon Skyersis a curator and artist who has produced online exhibitions for creative institutions such as David Zwirner, Rhizome, and the Whitney Museum of American Art. In her own AI artwork,...
As 2016 comes to a close, here are 16 of the most popular, interesting, funny and helpful TED talks of the year. Business Knut Haanaes: Two Reasons Companies Fail And How To Avoid Them In order to achieve long-term company success, there must be a balance between exploration and exploitat...
This is a video podcast by TEDTalks. It provides a tour of the Augmented Age with futurist Maurice Conti and preview a time when robots and humans will work side-by-side to accomplish things neither could do alone. 7.Putting Google's AI Through the Turing Test(5 months ago, 825K views...
1.TED Talks– The annual conference that brings leading academics, business leaders and innovators together under the banner of “Idea Worth Spreading”. 2.3D Brain– Visually explore each brain region and its functions and what happens when it’s injured or affected by mental illness. ...