Drake’s career properly took off when Lil Wayne signed him to his own label, Young Money, in June 2009 and is now regarded as one of the kings of rap. He has won four Grammy Awards, including the Grammy for the Best Rap Album forTake Careat the Grammy Awards in 2012. He has also...
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The music industry can be incredibly lucrative, and some artists have amassed staggering fortunes. When the songs from these artists make you laugh and cry, their bank balance reach the sky. Sometimes their singles touch millions of people in the heart, and they get rewarded with millions of d...
Music lists at Ranker - the ultimate source for top 10, best of, funny, or factual lists of any kind - see how everything ranks.
favor of the world of music. And he took it by storm. Drake has been one of the overall worldwide best-selling musicians of the 2010s and he’s also the “Rap King of Spotify“, as his songs are the most audio-streamed rap songs in the world, even surpassing Eminem in that ...
1. Slick Rick - Hey Young World This song doesn’t have slick puns (excuse the pun), or super rhyme schemes or any fancy effects as it was released in 1988 when rap didn’t really get developed or complex, but it still conveys it’s positive ‘go to school and stay out of trouble...
The struggle is real and lots of artists pay their dues and never break through into the mainstream. If you want to make the leap, get ready to become a marketer on top of writing songs and playing instruments,like the following top 10 richest musicians have... ...
Chart of the Top 100 Hip-Hop/Rap songs in Worldwide. The most listened songs around the world.
Pop songs about sex have a long history dating back well into the early 20th century.Pop musicis used as a soundtrack to many moments in love. This is your guide to 50 of the sexiest pop songs of all time. It is the best in music for and about making love. ...