The more money you keep, the more money you have. It’s really common sense, but it’s also a huge stumbling block for many investors. No matter how high your savings rate, if you allow your investments to be eaten up by high fees, you aren’t saving and investing as effectively as...
"Dividend-paying investments have long been utilized by retirees looking for passive income, but since Meta Platforms Inc. (META) paid its first regular dividend in early 2024, many younger investors are now considering the impact dividend-paying investments can have on their portfolios," says Chri...
投资公司:Softbank Vision Fund 2、Bristol Myers Squibb、Byers Capital、Emerson Collective Investments、Green Sands、Hitachi Ventures、Sixth Street、the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy、Westlake Village BioPartners、the University of California、San Francisco Foundation Investment Co.、Euclidean Capital...
Neuron23将其可穿越血脑屏障的NEU-723作为帕金森病的临床候选药物,并称其为潜在best-in-class药物。 Neuron23整体管线(来源:Neuron23官网) 08. 英矽智能 融资金额:累计9500万美元 融资轮次:D轮(6月6日),D2轮(8月10日) 投资机构:Prosperity7、华平投资、波士顿投资、启明创投等 公司官网:
投资机构:谷歌、LYFE Capital、Revelation Partners、Alexandria Venture Investments和ARCH Venture Partners 等 公司官网: 5月9日,专注于开发自体细胞疗法的Aspen Neuroscience宣布完成1.475亿美元的B轮融资。该公司由Jeanne Loring博士在2018年创立...
10 维泰瑞隆(Sironax) 融资金额:2亿美元 融资轮:B 获得融资月份:8月 投资公司:Gaorong Capital、Yunfeng Capital、Temasek, Invus、F-Prime Capital、Eight Roads、Arch Venture Partners、K2 Venture Partners、MSA Capital、CBC Group、Long River Investments、LSV Capital、Superstring Capital、Future Innovation Fund...
2022年,AI制药领域的融资热情有目共睹。根据医药魔方PharmaInvest数据库和公开信息,医药魔方Pro整理、排列了全球AI制药融资TOP10事件。值得一提的是,国内剂泰医药、英矽智能均上榜。 01. LifeMine Therapeutics 融资金额:1.75亿美元 融资轮次:C轮(3月23日) ...
2022年,AI制药领域的融资热情有目共睹。根据医药魔方PharmaInvest数据库和公开信息,医药魔方Pro整理、排列了全球AI制药融资TOP10事件。值得一提的是,国内剂泰医药、英矽智能均上榜。 01. LifeMine Therapeutics 融资金额:1.75亿美元 融资轮次:C轮(3月23日) ...
It's difficult to predict how any investment or group of investments will behave in the near term. While knowing how an investment has performed recently can be a data point in your larger analysis, it should never be the sole reason you buy, says Todd Rosenbluth, head of research at ETF...
2022年全球细胞疗法融资TOP10 根据医药魔方Pharma Invest数据库,2022年(截至12月22日)细胞疗法领域投融资事件数超88起(不含战略投资/并购/增发),融资总额超28亿美元,与去年类似,主要集中在T细胞疗法(CAR-T、TCR-T、TIL)、干细胞疗法和NK细胞疗法方向。本文将按照融资金额,盘点今年细胞疗法领域的融资TOP10,以供...