2024年,Outright Games发行了共计10款新游戏,包括《小马宝莉:西风高地谜团》、《变形金刚:银河试炼》和《忍者神龟:变种释放》等。另外,Outright还推出了自己的电子商店。玩家可以从Outright的自有商店购买一系列畅销游戏,并享受各种限时优惠。对Outright来说,公司确实度过了相当忙碌的一年。 第46名:Inkle Studios 代表作...
10 Door Kickers KILLHOUSE GAMES SRL 11 Don't Starve: Pocket Edition Klei 12 Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp C Nintendo Co., Ltd. 13 遊戲開發者:全能製作人 Gansu Jidao Information Technology Co., Ltd. 14 三國志天下布武 - 單機戰棋策略遊戲 ...
Triumph Arcade 63 Grand Vegas Crime City Games Awon Haider Naqvi 64 Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes Flyclops 65 Cooking Diary® Restaurant Game Mytona 66 Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG Playkot Limited 67 Dominoes: Classic Dominos Game Roghan Games ...
13,乐高.建造者之旅Builder's Journey Arcade/单机 乐高在Apple Arcade推出的一款益智游戏。在这个乐高世界中,玩家只需要运用空间想象力,移动、旋转、并安装乐高组件,让置身其中的角色得以顺利通过。精致的材质,准确的光影渲染,让这些乐高积木搭建的微缩场景显得真实而精美。积木能搭建的不光是卡车飞机,连水,沙...
The gaming world for humans started with "Knucklebones" and dice games, and now we have reached the era of video games with various types like action games, car games, arcade games, etc. You can get games from CDs, Apple App Stores, or GooglePlay, or you can download them from ...
10.Contact Us For any inquiries or concerns of our services, you can visithttp://support.gtarcade.com/to contact our customer support team, or send e-mail to gtarcade_reply@yoozoo.com, we will respond to you within 15 working days. ...
SynthRiders(Apple Arcade) - SynthRiders is a rhythm game where the idea is to match the color on your hands with the balls coming at you, keeping up with the rhythm. It's similar to Beat Saber and other games like that. FloatNotes(Free) - FloatNotes is a free app that lets you pu...
比较出名的学科包括工程学、天文学、金融等,是Google, Apple, Cisco, Intel和甲骨文的重点人才输送校。Jack Baskin工程学院是加州大学体系里第一个开设游戏设计类专业的学院,可选的学位包括BS in Computer Science: Computer Game Design, MS in Games & Playable Media, 以及MS与PhD degrees in Computational Media...
平台:Arcade(original),Amiga,Apple II,Apple IIGS,Atari ST,C64,Game Boy,Game Gear,Master System,Nintendo Entertainment System,PC booter,Genesis,Sharp X68000,ZX Spectrum 简介:大理石疯狂是一个等角平台游戏,玩家在第三人称视角下操作屏幕大理石。玩家用轨迹球控制大理石的运动,尽管大多数家庭版本都使用带方向垫...
以下是原文编译,和榜单前10名厂商的入选理由: 2020年在很多方面都将被铭记,在手游行业中,超休闲依然保持着增长,一些令人印象深刻的大型收购案以及一系列围绕App Store发生的“战斗”可能会被铭记。 我们也已经看到Apple Arcade为买断制手游开发人员提供了新出路,免费游戏的收入由于人们隔离在家而激增。我们看到流媒体服...