read more Looney Tunes Looney Tunes is an American animated series of comedy short films produced by Warner Bros. from 1930 to 1969 during the golden age of American animation, alongside its sister series Merrie Melodies. Clarence Clarence is an American animated television series created by Skyler...
Disney's first attempt at combining live action with animation was nominated for two Academy Awards. Released: 1945 Directed by: Norman Ferguson Also ranks #8 on The Best 1940s Fantasy Movies, Ranked Also ranks #10 on The Best Cartoon Movies of the 1940s Also ranks #10 on The 60+ Best...
Warner Bros. is an American media and entertainment company founded in 1923, which has historically been one of the Big Five major American film studios.
Warner Bros. Cartoon Studios See more company credits at IMDbPro Edit Runtime 7minutes Sound mix Mono Aspect ratio 1.37 : 1 Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap By what name was Big Top Bunny (1951) officially released in Canada in English?
Zoom at the Top: Directed by Chuck Jones, Maurice Noble. With Mel Blanc, Paul Julian. Wile E. Coyote tries and fails to catch the Road Runner using a bear trap with a bird seed bait, a jet rocket, an ice-making machine, and a boomerang.
12. Warner Bros Animation This studio was started in the early ’70s. They became a competitor of Disney with its show Looney Tunes. They also produced memorable DC Comic shows like the animated series Batman and Superman. They have produced major hits that include Lego Movie, Space Jam, an...
His Warner cartoons have seen renewed praise in decades since for their surrealistic qualities, energetic and outrageous animation, and irreverent humor. Animation historian Jerry Beck lauded Clampett for "putting the word 'looney' in Looney Tunes." Age: Dec. at 70 (1913-1984) Birthplace: USA,...
Wolfwalkers, Cartoon Saloon/Melusine Productions for Apple/GKIDS; María Pareja, Ross Stewart, Tomm Moore STORYBOARDING – TV/MEDIA Looney Tunes Cartoons, Episode: Big League Beast/Firehouse Frenzy, Warner Bros. Animation, Andrew Dickman STORYBOARDING – FEATURE Soul, Pixar Animation Studios, Trevor Ji...
“A Wild Hare”, he has tormented Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck and Yosemite Sam ever since. Starring in over 150 Warner Brother’s shorts, he is definitely an icon in American animation to rival Mickey Mouse. During WWII, Warner Bros. Studios used Bugs Bunny cartoons as a morale booster for ...
Yabba-Dabba Dinosaur’s talented voice cast includes: Emmy® nominee Jessica DeCicco (Adventure Time) as Pebbles Flintstone; Ely Henry (Justice League Action) as Bamm-Bamm Rubble; Jeff Bergman (Looney Tunes Cartoons) as Fred Flintstone and Mr. Slate; Emmy® nominee Kevin Michael Richardson (...