The Smile / 2022 The Smile - A Light For Attracting Attention 年度最爱专辑,一个更加简洁、更加math、更加律动的Radiohead,这么多年来最优秀也最包含感情的一张Radiohead side project作品,称为LP 10也毫不为过,Tom Skinner的鼓录的太出色了,在The Opposite和The Smoke这种没那么吵的歌里,都能听到每一下...
2.SAULT - 《Air》 而英倫最神秘的黑人音樂組織SAULT(可能和法文的SALUT很接近),Inflo拿到了2022年全英音樂獎「年度最佳製作人」的頭銜;而由他領軍的SAULT,陣容包括水星音樂獎提名饒舌才女小席姆茲(Little Simz)。專輯《Air》帶來一場猶如聆聽理查史特勞斯(Richard Strauss)、利蓋蒂捷爾吉(György Ligeti)的聲響冒險。
Top 10 albums of 2022 As 2022 comes to a close, here is a look back on some of the most memorable albums the year had to offer. The book is closing on 2022, and what a year it has been for music. Giant stars came back out of the shadows after COVID-19 and delivered some of ...
Television用最寻常的三大件乐器创造出了最不寻常的朋克乐,编曲上同样达到了1+1>2的效果,尤其是专辑同名曲那段长达5 min的solo更是令人拍案叫绝。在一次夜跑中我听着这段solo跑出了2022年的最远距离7.48km, 那次夜跑始终让我记忆犹新。 3. The Stone Roses The Stone Roses (1989) Artist: The Stone Roses...
We're back for the final installment of 2022's Top 10! It's been a hell of a ride. We featured nearly 200 total albums over the course of this list and in the process, discovered several new releases that will be in our regular listening rotations for years. We hope you did as wel...
I feel the records just haven’t delivered since Sworn to The Dark. With The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain, they truly return to form and deliver one of the most ferocious black metal albums to come out in 2022. That dark ritualistic atmosphere we have grown accustomed to came back in full...
娱乐牛小妹 - Billboard 200 Albums Top 10 (January 1st, 2022)猜你喜欢 Mariah Carey-All I Want For Christmas Is You Justin Bieber、Mariah Carey-All I Want for Christmas Is You (SuperFestive!) Mariah Carey-All I Want for Christmas Is You Justin Bieber、Mariah Carey-All I Want For ...
超级吃货王四喜 - Billboard 200 Albums Top 10 (April 23rd, 2022)
MetalBite's Rating: 8/10 9: Wake - Thought Form Descent Metal Blade Records One of my personal most anticipated albums of 2022 right here. Devouring Ruin was a true breakout album, one that saw the band markedly shift their sound from barebones grindcore to expansive, dynamic and breathing ...
An unranked overview of the albums that made the past 12 months so memorable for electronic music around the world