Like many of the 30 subjects ranked in the 2013 QS World University Rankings by Subject, thetop 10 universities for accounting and financeis dominated by the US and UK, but also features two Australian entries. Find out more about the strengths and specializations of each of these world-leadi...
要想要出现在这份名单中,学校的商科本科课程必须得到美国高等商学院协会(Association To Advance Collegiate Schools of business)的认证。如此看来,对于想要学习商科的同学,这份排名还是很有参考价值的~ 下面,快报君先带来2020年US.News美国最佳本科商业课程排名: (点击图片看大图更清晰!) 从上图我们可以看到,在本次20...
英国已经有26所商学院位列这前1%的顶尖商学院。AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International中文名称:国际商学院协会。全球首屈一指的商学院和会计项目非政府认证机构,成立于美国,该教育认证有商业认证(Business)和会计认证(Accounting)两种。EQUIS:European Quality Improvement S...
唯一进入 Top 10 商学院的西岸学校(另一为 Berkeley Haas),位在科技重镇以及创业风气鼎盛的硅谷,学校的确也以创业 (Entrepreneurship) 与领导 (Leasdership) 为强项,教育风格也比较自由新潮,强调开创新科技、新企业的革命式精神,创业风气盛行。 斯坦福商院的社会创新 (Social Innovation) 专业也非常著名,即以创新方...
This course is actually a bundle of following 10 different courses that together ensure you get the right training for each critical aspect of a financial analyst job: Beginner and Intermediate Excel Advanced Excel Accounting Advanced Accounting ...
国际商学院协会(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,简称AACSB),由哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、西北大学等世界著名大学管理学院联合发起,于1916年正式成立 ,是全球首屈一指的商学院和会计项目非政府认证机构 。 该教育认证有商业认证(Business)和会计认证(Accounting)两种。MBA课程认证是商业认证的一个...
国际商学院协会(The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,简称AACSB),由哈佛大学、芝加哥大学、西北大学等世界著名大学管理学院联合发起,于1916年正式成立 ,是全球首屈一指的商学院和会计项目非政府认证机构 。 该教育认证有商业认证(Business)和会计认证(Accounting)两种。MBA课程认证是商业认证的一个...
A total of 36 countries boast at least one university among the 200top accounting and finance schoolsranked in theQS World University Rankings by Subject, showing it’s not just highly developed countries which have a need for accountants. ...
BA (Hons) Accounting (top-up) 会计 BA (Hons) Business Administration & Management (top up) 工商管理 BA (Hons) International Fashion (top Up) 国际时尚 BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies Top Up (International) 护理研究 Kingston University, London - 金斯顿大学 大学官网:
Accounting Technology AS Biotechnology AS Business Administration and Management Business Entrepreneurship AS Electrical Power Technology AS Emergency Medical Services AS Founded in 1933 as Florida’s first public community college, it is one of the top producers of associate degree graduates in the U.S...