类别: 游戏 Riot Games开发的一款多人竞技FPS游戏。 2022-10-08 20:12:02 赞 回复 33 来自:豆瓣 光环:士官长合集 Halo: The Master Chief Collection 9.2 (1862人评价) 类别: 游戏 《光环:士官长合集》(英语:Halo: The Master Chief Collection)是一部由343 Industries领衔开发并由微软工作室发行...
【火炬之光:无限】 上线时间:10月2日国际服上线 《火炬之光:无限》是由完美世界和Runic Games正版《火炬之光》IP授权,心动网络自主研发的全新ARPG游戏。新作将延续《火炬之光》世界观背景,使用虚幻4引擎开发。以次时代的画面创造一个机械与魔法完美结合的全新幻想大陆。玩法上强调通过自由养成BD、刷怪打宝以及持续...
《Revive》(2022)游戏评价 Revive Review: Aporta Games Has Another Hit! 137 -- 54:45 App 2022年德国艾森桌游展十大让人期待的桌游 Essen Spiel 2022 - Top 10 Most Anticipated Games! 50 -- 28:36 App 《大坝》(2017)怎么玩 Game in a Nutshell - Barrage (how to play) 49 -- 14:38 App 《...
其中,排名第八位的开放世界生存建造游戏《夜莺传说》由加拿大工作室Inflexion Games开发,而这家工作室在2022年初被腾讯全资收购,可以说早已属于“自研工作室”的行列。Inflexion Games的CEO Aaryn Flynn还在月初接受采访,盛赞与腾讯的合作关系“十分宽松,给予充分支持”、“腾讯很可能是我们见过的目光最长远的公司”。 腾...
TOP 10 NEW Games, Made with Unity! (AUGUST 2022) As an Indie Game Developer it is important to keep an eye on your competition so every month I go thr
1. 《PC Gamer评选PC游戏TOP100,《极乐迪斯科》榜首 2. CDPR重申:《赛博朋克2077》单人模式绝无内购 3. 杉果Akupara Games厂商周,数款精品独立游戏折扣 PC Gamer评选PC游戏TOP100,《极乐迪斯科》榜首 每年,PC Gamer的全球团队都会齐聚一堂,共同决定年度PC游戏TOP100榜单。团队表示:这些游戏不一定是最有影响力的,但...
My Top 10 Solo Games as of 2022 Kenji Sugawara @kenjis23 EditedSep 21, 2022 2022 Edition! 1.Nusfjord Kenji Sugawara @kenjis23 #1: Nusfjord The ultimate solo euro game for me. Does it all- quick play time, incredible variability, interesting decisions, and great components (especially if ...
Most of the time it will be straight bs but eh Riot Games seem that they don’t care about it so why should we, right? Anyways Nautilus can CC you with his auto-attacks, with his Q, with his E, and with his ultimate ability. With his auto-attacks it’s simple you just press ri...
For fans of challenging combat and dark, atmospheric worlds, **Dark Horizon** will likely be one of the most memorable games of 2025. 9. Avatar: Pandora Reborn *Platform: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC* Based on the popular *Avatar* film franchise, **Avatar: Pandora Reborn** transports players...