More US business schools are offering shorter, more affordable one year MBA programs. Here's some of the best on offer
5. IMD Business School, One-Year MBA Program 官网链接: Program Overview 洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的MBA项目是个性化的领导力开发体验,在为学员配备经典MBA工具包的同时,还无与伦比地强调创业、全球化和数字化。 这个MBA项目是洛桑国际管理发展学院网络和生态系...
官网链接: Program Overview MBA项目提供18个不同的专业,全年的学习选择,包括全日制、兼读制和速成学习,学生可根据需要,在全日制和兼读制之间转换。全日制和非全日制学习分别从9月(秋季学期)和1月(冬季学期)开始。 Schulich全日制MBA课程为期16至20个月,提供综合管理基础知识...
除了上述提及的传统两年制 MBA 课程,还有另一种是一年制的MBA 课程(Accelerated MBA 或 One-Year Prog...
Emory Goizueta One-Year MBA Program Emory Goizueta Class Profile: Leaning into Diversity 21. USC Marshall A top factor when considering a full time degree at University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business is the large network that comes along with its host institution. You’ll ...
2、两年制MBA( TWO-Year MBA Program) 要求申请者本科毕业,不要求专业背景,建议在入学前修读过微积分和统计学课程,需递交一份视频申请材料( Video Essay),内容是回答两个小问题,需参加校园面试、视频面试或电话面试。 3、高级工商管理硕士( Executive mba,缩写:EMBA) ...
② 项目名称:MBA Silver Scholar Program ③ 项目长度:36个月 ④ 项目人数:20-30 ⑤ 城市:康涅狄格州,纽黑文市 ⑥ 建议三维:3.7; 110/7.5; 750/330 耶鲁大学工商管理专业研究生阶段设有以下MBA项目: 1.工商管理硕士(MBA) 为期2年,要求申请者本科毕业,不限专业背景,亦无前置课程要求,要求递交GMAT/GRE考试成绩...
是以国际贸易为主修的MBA专业方向,是欧美所有顶尖的MBA School最热门的主修之一。以哈佛大学为首,代表的是全球性的行销市场,是国际管理,也是企业的终极目标-永续经营。 推荐院校及录取要求 哈佛大学 综排:2 项目名称:MBA College 2+2 Program 项目长度:24个月 ...
1 官网链接: EssaysDescribe a situation in which you failed as a leader. What did you learn from it? (Word limit 300)Letter of RecommendationTwo...
Varying lengths of a full-time MBA Although a traditional full-time MBA in the US takes two years, a one-year program has long been the staple at European business schools. However, in both locations, as well as in the rest of the business education world, you will be able to find bo...