"the treaty had no teeth in it"one of a number of uniform projections on a gear 【tooth相关词】bucktooth n.獠牙,龅牙;dogtooth n.犬齿;犬牙;齿饰;犬牙饰;eyetooth n.上尖牙,上犬齿,犬齿;snaggletooth n.断齿;toothache n.牙痛,牙疼;toothbrush n.牙刷;toothed adj.有齿的,锯齿状...
突袭加强如履薄冰..【not SolidSol】《荣耀战魂》- Raiders buff keeps him hanging on by a toothpic 18:05 可敦是新的草原妈咪【not SolidSol】《荣耀战魂》- Hawktun might just be the new steppemommy 2025.1. 17:02 被低估的角色用起来毫无负罪感【not SolidSol】《荣耀战魂》- I never feel gui...
This paper presents an improved fillet/foundation compliance analysis based on the theory of Muskhelishvili applied to circular elastic rings. Assuming linear and constant stress variations at root circle, the above theory makes it possible to derive an analytical formula for gear body-induced tooth ...
5. set sb.s teeth on edge : 使生气; 6. show ones teeth : 作威胁(或敌对、发怒)姿态; 7. in the teeth of : 不顾; tooth 相关例句 名词 1. The sharp parts of a comb or a saw are called teeth. 梳子和锯子的尖锐部分叫作齿。
3.anything resembling a tooth in shape, prominence, or function:the tooth of a comb. 4.(Botany) any of the various small indentations occurring on the margin of a leaf, petal, etc 5.(Mechanical Engineering) any one of a number of uniform projections on a gear, sprocket, rack, etc, ...
5.(Mechanical Engineering) any one of a number of uniform projections on a gear, sprocket, rack, etc, by which drive is transmitted 6.taste or appetite (esp in the phrasesweet tooth) 7.long in the toothold or ageing: used originally of horses, because their gums recede with age ...
a projecting part, especially a cog on a gearwheel or a point on a saw or comb. (teeth) genuine power or effectiveness: an appetite or liking for a particular thing. Phrase armed to the teeth formidably armed. fight tooth and nail fight very fiercely. get (or sink) one's teeth into...
"COUPLING TOOTH FOR A CHANGING GLOVE OF A TOOTH CLUTCH TO COUPLING A TOOTH WHEEL TO ITS AXLE". A coupling tooth of a gear clutch change sleeve, for engaging a gear wheel on its axis, has for its guide, in the peripheral directions two central guide surfaces, and at its front ends, ...
CONDENSER- EVAPORATOR SHELL ARRANGEMENT FOR A REFRIGERATING DEVICE An evaporator shell (2) is mounted on the half-shell (1) of a condenser housing with the aid of retaining claws (5) engaging from the rear with catching flanks (7) formed on the upper half-shell. L Hebestreit,A Lang 被引...
3. toothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell 4. a means of enforcement; "the treaty had noteethin it" 5. one of a number of uniform projections on a gear 词组搭配 armed to the teeth ...