解决方法:通过 Shading Toony 调整边界的平滑程度。 尝试设置:添加边缘光 问题:如上图所示,感觉缺少了一些高光成分,感觉立体感不足。 解决方案:添加边缘光(Rim Light),效果对比如下图所示 目标:添加高光成分 在MToon中使用Matcap或SphereMap等中已知的纹理映射 ——这种材质会根据模型的法线方向进行映射 例1: 例2...
解决方法:通过 Shading Toony 调整边界的平滑程度。 尝试设置:添加边缘光 问题:如上图所示,感觉缺少了一些高光成分,感觉立体感不足。 解决方案:添加边缘光(Rim Light),效果对比如下图所示 目标:添加高光成分 在MToon中使用Matcap或SphereMap等中已知的纹理映射 ——这种材质会根据模型的法线方向进行映射 例1: 例2...
-Emits shadows -Supports outlines with variable thickness, color, that work in Editor, Ortho and Perspective cameras. -Supports Matcaps as shading textures -Many thanks toMixamofor the Mascot and samba animation Report this asset IB Ippokratis Bournellis ...
除Base Color,1st Shade Color和2nd Shade Color外,对于颜色和纹理也有着丰富的可自定义选项,例如High Color,Rim Light,MatCap(球面映射)和Emissive(灯光发光)。颜色间的渐变级别也可以实时调整。这一shader对于创建固定阴影有两个选项:Position Map,绑定了每个阴影的投射点,Shading Grade Map,基于光照调整阴影强度。
-Matcaps support as shading textures -Tranparent shaders ( simple, 2 passes and Cutout) -Supports vertex colors and double sided shading -Many thanks to Mixamo for the Mascot and samba animation Support thread Report this asset Toon Shader Mobile...
MatCap高光,贴图可控形状、Noise,参数可控强度、颜色、ST等 多层RimLight(亮、暗面+额外边缘光),贴图可控强度,参数可控颜色、宽度、长度、羽化等 Emissive,双层动画自发光,支持切换颜色、UV动画等 Outline,配合法线导入工具可支持硬表面模型,随距离自适应宽度,顶点色可控宽度、ZOffset 整体框架如下: C_{final} =C_...
This is not directly shading but it should still be mentioned since this is obviously the cheapest way and is often used for weak performance platforms like mobile. If you go for this approach you should also paint in the shadows. MatCap ...
Unity Toon Shader ( an experimental package ). Contribute to Unity-Technologies/com.unity.toonshader development by creating an account on GitHub.
MatCap Light color effect in MatCap areas. Outline Light color effect in outlines. Light Color Effectiveness example: A red light on the face. Unchecked areas on the face material aren't affected by the light color. Light Color Effectiveness is offLight Color Effectiveness is on Light Probe Int...
Poiyomi Shadersare feature-rich shaders for Unity's Built-In Rendering Pipeline, intended for use withVRChat.They support multiple shading modes and robust light handling, and are designed to be easy-to-use and performant. They're alsofreeandopen-source!