Auctionator by plusmouse 138.2M Downloads Updated 4 days ago Created May 11, 2008 Makes it easier to use the auction house and track the value of items Download Install Questie by TheCrux_BB 132.9M Downloads Updated 2 days ago Created Aug 8, 2019 The Classic Quest Helper Downloa...
nUI-- nUI: Core-- nUI+ Full Version-- nUI: Art-- nUI: Enhancements-- nUI: Layouts-- nUI: HUD Designs-- nUI: Unit Frame Panels-- nUI: Info Panel PluginsUtilities- Libraries- Developer Utilities- WoW Tools & UtilitiesOptional- Beta-version AddOns- Plug-Ins & Patches- Discontinued and ...
Introducing a new World of Warcraft addon that enhances your gameplay experience by showing the guild rank of your target on the tooltip. With this simple yet powerful feature, you can easily see the guild rank of any player you target or mouse over. This addon is perfect for players who ...
local mouseKeyIDs = { ["Left"] = 1, ["Right"] = 2, ["Middle"] = 3, ["Button4"] = 4, ["Button5"] = 5, } local function DecodeKeyboard(fullKey) fullKey = string.gsub(fullKey, "alt", "alt-") fullKey = string.gsub(fullKey, "ctrl", "ctrl-") fullKey = string.gsub(...
If you prefer to have TipTac configured differently on each of your characters, you will have to manually edit the "TipTac.toc" file. In this file, you will have to locate "SavedVariables", and change it into "SavedVariablesPerCharacter". You must restart WoW for it to take effect, and...
}.wow-icon, .wow-item{border-style:solid;border-width:5px;border-image:url(../img/wow-tooltip-border-2.png) 5 repeat;border-radius:4px; } $wowIcons.on('',function(e) {var$this= $(this);var$html;if(!lastHovered || !$this)) {varid = $
So it should be used on an interactable element that does something else beside show that tooltip. A popover's trigger however, servers only to open the popover's contents, nothing else. Wow, I didn't know that at all! With this new info, I understand your points much better. I've ...
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Intro Sometimes, specifically on the desktop it is a good suggestion to have a refined callout together with some tips emerging when the visitor positions the mouse pointer over an element.
local function vt_OnTooltipSetUnit() if inCombat and tipshow == 1 then GameTooltip:Hide() end end zTip = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, GameTooltip) --[[ 装等天赋改自 Cloudy Unit Info ...