- Windows 11 Microsoft Update Health Tools是一个用于Windows 11操作系统的免费维护工具 - 帮助用户更新和诊断Windows系统中可能存在的问题 - 功能包括:检查更新是否失败、检查下载和安装的更新是否完整、检查安全性更新是否失效等 KB4592438 - Microsoft Knowledge Base编号 - 指的是Microsoft官方针对这一...
Microsoft Update Health Tools 将重置网络设置、清理注册表键、修复已禁用或损坏的组件、释放磁盘空间,并在有其他因素 "阻止更新成功安装" 时重置 Windows Update 数据库。 Microsoft Update Health Tools 的设计是只有在检测到 Windows Update 服务的问题时才会在后台运行。 需要注意的是,"Microsoft Update Health Tool...
亲亲,不好意思久等了,为您查询到Windows 11 Microsoft Update Health Tools的KB编码为KB4598242,它是Microsoft发布的一项更新,用于改善Windows 11系统的性能和安全性。KB4598242更新包括改进系统安全性、改善系统性能和改善用户体验等内容。
Windows 10Windows 11 摘要 Microsoft Update Health Tools 是透過更新KB4023057 Windows Update提供給裝置。 此更新適用于 Windows 消費者和商業裝置,用途和功能稍有不同。 在Windows 消費者裝置上,此更新有助於修復Windows Update的順暢運作。 對於商業裝置,此更新適用于商務用 Windows Update (WUfB) 部署...
IT之家 4 月 21 日消息,根据国外科技媒体 NeoWin 报道,微软近日面向 Win10、Win11 系统,再次发布了 KB4023057 更新,引入了新版更新健康工具(Update Health Tools)。 IT之家附微软支持文档部分内容如下: 设备通过安装 KB4023057 更新,可以获取微软更新健康工具。本次更新适用于 Windows 使用者和商业设备,其用途和功...
If the version of PC Health Check on a target PC is outdated, Microsoft will update the app before it runs. When the PC Health Check app opens, clickCheck nowto run the Windows 11 system requirements assessment (Figure 2). Click 'Check now' to launch the compatibility assessment. ...
This post discoursed on MiniTool official web page mainly introduces 8 best free driver updaters for Windows 11 including Intel Driver & Support Assistant, AMD Driver Auto-detect, Dell Update, AVG Driver Updater, Ashampoo Driver Updater, Snappy Driver Installer, and Driver Genius. On This Page ...
Quickly find the resources you need to assess and upgrade the Windows 10 devices in your organization to Windows 11.
WindowsSandbox WindowsSandboxClient WindowsUpdateElevatedInstaller wininit winload winlogon winresume winrs winrshost WinRTNetMUAHostServer WinSAT winver wkspbroker wksprt wlanext wlrmdr WMPDMC WorkFolders wowreg32 WpcMon WpcTok WPDShextAutoplay wpnpinst ...
updates will be permanently stopped on your computer. And you can turn them on whenever you feel like. Not just Windows 11/10, Win Update Stop supports all versions of Windows including Windows 8 and Windows 7. So on whatever version you are, you can stop all sorts of updates using this...