Six Sigma is a business methodology and data-driven process to produce nearly perfect products for consumers and reduce product defects to 3.4 defective parts per million, or 99.99966% defect-free products. It is an essential part of any business process improvement as it significantly improves the...
CAP Tools for Six Sigma Notesx)
I hear people use “Toyota Production System” and “Lean” separately. In fact, during the conference I heard a number of people say things such as “We use Lean, Six Sigma, and The Toyota Production System.” That’s like saying “I drink water, liquid, and H2O”. Not L.A.M.E ...
Learn what is Six Sigma methodology, tools, methods for improving business processes and reducing defects through a data-driven approach.
To avoid confusing newcomers to lean six sigma, the most complex DFSS tools have been split into an optional bundle of templates, but many of these tools are very simple to use, and are therefore included among the Foundational Lean Toolkit (owned by every Systems2win user) ...
Must have tools for all Six Sigma and process improvement practitioners and Leaders. This app will help you identify some of the best approaches for gaining knowledge(KBM), review common LSS tools (LSS Tool Refresher), Map DFSS tools to tasks within the IDOV process (DFSS Tools Guide) and ...
This app will help you identify some of the best approaches for gaining knowledge(KBM), review common LSS tools (LSS Tool Refresher), Map DFSS tools to tasks wi…
Before diving into the four different Six Sigma tools included in this blog post, let’s understand these terms used in the Six Sigma framework: Unit.Within the context of Six Sigma, a unit is the end product or service that is presented to a customer. A unit maintains its status as suc...
Lean Six Sigma software. A capability analysis is based on a sample of data taken from a process and usually produces: 1. An estimate of the DPMO (defects per million opportunities). 2. One or more capability indices. 3. An estimate of the Sigma Quality Level at which the process ...
Six Sigma Tools Made EasyAre you having trouble:Drawing Pareto Charts in Excel? Choosing and Using Control Charts to analyze performance? Figuring out how to draw histograms to analyze the capability of your processes?QI Macros Creates Six Sigma Tools in Three Easy Steps...