Designing virtual reality tools for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic reviewNowadays, technology plays a fundamental role in the development of daily life activities. In this regard, there is an increase in disciplines that have used technologies, with educational fields standing out...
HomeClassroom ToolsBack to Classroom Tools *FREE* Home Supports Routine Essentials Themes First!™ Extended School Year DEI Sampler Themes First! Themes First! provides fresh and engaging activities for circle, group, centers, and independent work. Theme units are added every month with ...
Teachers may want to change the order in which the sounds are presented to match the order used in the classroom. The Concept Reinforcement (CR) is of the image (this means on a correct response the student's attention is directed to the selected image while hearing the correct response ...
Different Roads has autism products, teaching tools and other resources for parents, teachers and professionals. Find out what we have to offer at our store!
Five-Fold Increase in National Prevalence Rates of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medications for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum D... Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence and time trends in prescriptions of methylphenidate, dexamphetamine, and atomox...
We helps kids with special learning needs like Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder by providing support, education, and products. It was created based on our personal experience of raising our son who has Autism and ADHD.
USL Educational Supplies is your one stop provider for your classroom furniture, preschool teaching aids, primary school learning tools, learning resources, playground supplier, table and chairs.
Classroom Organization Computer Lab Integration Lessons Differentiated Instruction Exceptional Children Graphics and Multimedia Holiday Links Lesson Plans Projects SmartBoard & Interactive WhiteBoards Teacher Tools Integrated Technology Lesson Plans Timelines ...
Take a deeper dive into the assessments we currently have available to identify and support the needs of those on the Autism Spectrum.
AngleWrite™ Handwriting Boards that automatically slants and keeps writing paper in the correct position for left handed students, and our exclusive "Lefty Classroom Survival Kit" that contains pencil grips and lots of other helpful left handed products that help students be success...