>>> toolchain-external-custom Patching >>> toolchain-external-custom Configuring Cannot execute cross-compiler '/home/.../custom_system/.nerves/artifacts/custom_system-portable-1.6.3/host/opt/ext-toolchain/bin/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc' package/pkg-generic.mk:219: recipe for target '/...
libcrypt.so.1 is not included in the toolchain (starting from glibc 2.38 libcrypt.so.1 is not built by default and will be removed from glibc in the future), please use libcrypt implemented by external libraries such as libxcrypt instead of relying on Glibc internal implementation. Eclipse...
Is connected mode used: yes Connected to SonarQube 9.8-developer And a thorough description of the problem / question: We don’t seem to be able to perform analysis, neither any linting works. Log: Trigger: ACTION [Action] 1 file(s) submitted Configuring analysis with org.sonarlint.intellij....
load("@bazel_toolchains//rules/exec_properties:exec_properties.bzl","create_rbe_exec_properties_dict")platform(name="custom_platform",# Inherit from the platform target generated by 'rbe_configs_gen' assuming the generated configs# were imported as a Bazel external repository named 'rbe_default'...
Do not inherit any paths from the Windows environment, and allow for full customization of external paths. This is supposed to be used in special cases such as debugging without need to change this file, but not daily usage. OPTION_MSYS_PREFER_MSYSTEM_PATHS ...