IBM Toolbox for Java JDBC 驅動程式可讓應用程式呼叫下列 java.sql.Connection.setClientInfo() 方法來置換這項資訊: void AS400JDBCConnection.setClientInfo(java.lang.String name,java.lang.String value)此方法會將名稱指定的用戶端資訊內容值設為指定的值value. 請參閱 DatabaseMetadata.getClientInfo...
IBM Java Toolbox for i 实现 Web 与智能移动设备调用 RPG皮 光明
IBM® Toolbox for Java™ Access 類別代表 IBM i 資料及資源。伺服器存取點 IBM Toolbox for Java Access 類別提供類似使用 IBM i Access for Windows API 的功能。不過,使用這些類別並不需要安裝 IBM i Access for Windows。 AS400 類別 IBM Toolbox for Java AS400 類別管理對伺服器上的伺服器工作的...
IBMi教程:IBMJavaToolboxfori使用PCML远程调用RPG 相对与传统的绿屏IBMi应用,现代的很多IBMi应用都基于Web技术,即前端采用基于Web的图形用户界面,后端重用传统的RPG与COBOL业务程序。如何实现软件复用,是IBMi应用现代化的一个重要目标。一方面,基于WebService技术的IBMIntegratedWebServicesfori服务器可将传统RPG与COBOL应...
JTOpen is the open source software product known as the "IBM Toolbox for Java." It is also commonly referred to "jt400" or simply "the toolbox." In short, this package provides a set of Java classes that enable applications to integrate with IBM i JTOpen is governed by the IBM Publi...
and configurations to find what I am looking for. I am trying to find a solution to stream line this process by either enabling a way to filter what the developer is looking for or use a few lines of code to manually set the module and configuration. Any...
IBM Watson Assistant (Independent Publisher) IBM Watson Text to Speech (Independent Publisher) icanhazdadjoke (Independent Publisher) Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) (Independent Publisher) Icon Horse (Independent Publisher) ID Analyzer Ideanote iManage Insight Plus iManage Work iManage Work for Admi...
24、p Screen for All ST-1700c ,使得联机的触摸屏进入设置状态。8.Crestron ToolboK - test,itw - File Manager - htew Entry 1i lle View Jocils 独mdow Help p X里i冏善整泮SS口口口口口口选择HTML文件夹显示右窗口画面PlaneSizeTime _conFigiri_22121704 01:42:24HI DVD EErQlweb/tx674541S/17...
IBM Watson Text to Speech (Independent Publisher) icanhazdadjoke (Independent Publisher) Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) (Independent Publisher) Icon Horse (Independent Publisher) ID Analyzer Ideanote iManage Insight Plus iManage Tracker iManage Work iManage Work for Admins iMIS Impexium Impower ...
Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started. - Forks · flyskyfeng/DeepLearnToolbox