可指定driver、cann、device、network、bandwidth、aiflops中的一项或多项,多项时各项之间使用“,”分隔,检查项回显状态请参照表2。 否 [-d, --device] 指定需要进行诊断测试的Device ID,Device ID是指昇腾芯片的ID,用户可以执行ascend-dmi --info命令,在显示界面表格中的Chip参数处获得芯片数量。比如一个Atlas...
Driver for identifying filesystems on startup Win32OwnProcess Win32 program that runs as a service in its own process Win32ShareProcess Win32 program that runs as a service in a shared process such as SvcHost One useful task is to determine a service's dependents. The services that depend...
Driving simulators have been used since the beginning of the 1930s to assist researchers in assessing driver behaviour without putting the driver in harm's way. The current manuscript describes the implementation of a toolbox for automated driving research on the widely used STISIM platform. The to...
is anIBM iJVM on the same server as the database to which the program is connecting, the nativeIBM Developer Kit for JavaJDBC driver can be used. In any other environment, theIBM Toolbox for JavaJDBC driver is used. This property has no effect if the "secondary URL" property is set....
Another nice feature of the latest edition is support for the Excel 2007 Office Open XML (OOXML) format as a direct data source; there's no need for an ODBC driver or similar component. In addition, Altova has added a great deal of support for Web services, letting you use Web methods...
Deck driver.(Toolbox)Hess, Jeremy
89 Commits c++ Remove != NULL to conform to C++11 format Sep 5, 2019 include/sicktoolbox Change const to constexpr for doubles to fix compile error Sep 5, 2019 manuals Removed SickConfig.hh from the driver headers and adjusted the instal… ...
DRIVER_PATH = |>DRIVER_PATH<| CFLAGS := -c --cpu Cortex-M3 -D__MICROLIB -g -O0 --apcs=interwork CMACRO := -DSTM32F10X_HD -DUSE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER ASMFLAGS := --cpu Cortex-M3 -g --apcs=interwork --pd "__MICROLIB SETA 1" ...
Ever try to upgrade a system and end up with an unknown device or two whose descriptions tell you nothing other than "PCI Device" and you have no idea how to get a driver or figure out what the device is without ripping off the cover of your machine and digging around with a flashligh...
软件类:driver兼容性和驱动健康诊断,CANN各层软件的兼容性,CANN与驱动的兼容性。 硬件类:设备健康状态,网络健康状态,本地带宽,算力。 软硬件版本兼容性测试 获取硬件信息、架构、驱动版本、固件版本以及软件版本,并检测软硬件间的兼容性。 驱动固件版本兼容性测试 获取当前环境驱动版本和各个昇腾AI处理器的固件版本,并...