This toolbox contains functions to aid in single- and multi-level mediation analyses of any kind of data. The main function, mediation.m, examines 3 timeseries to determine if one of them acts as a mediator between the other two. Works for both single-level and multi-level (multiple ...
for the ecosystem approach, were under development. 包括渔业的生态系统办法工具箱和指标审查在内的其他指导性文件也在制定中。 Click on the small arrow next to the icon intheToolboxtodisplay a list of available ...
methodology名— 方法名 工具箱 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) These graduates now use a company-widemethodology,toolbox,andworkshops to effectively support change initiatives in [...] 如今,该项目的学员正在各自负责的 市场或部门中运用所学的方法进行有效的变革管理。
mediation, mediator, intercessor Influence, influential Reconcile, conciliation, conciliator, conciliatory, reconcilable, accommodative Console, comfort, consolation, comforter, consolable Content, satisfied, contentment, satisfaction, joy of the heart, glad Sacrifice, immolate, offering, consecration Refrain, de...
and tend to look at it as a game or a sport with a winner and a loser; they pay less attention to the relationship underlying the dispute since they are focused on winning and claiming the biggest piece of the pie. Competitive types approach conflict saying: “This looks like a win-lose...