<toolbar style="position: fixed;top: 50%;width: 100%;background-color: #F1F3F5;"> <toolbar-item value="item1" icon="common/images/1.png" style="color: {{itemColor}};" onclick="itemClick"></toolbar-item> <toolbar-item value="item2" icon="common/images/2.png" style="...
Whether the UIView's children should be grouped for the purposes of voice-over, regardless of their position on the screen. (Inherited from UIView) Subviews An array of UIViews that are contained within this UIView. (Inherited from UIView) Superclass (Inherited from NSObject) SuperHa...
For example, under Categories, click File. In the Commands box, click Browse Sample Drawings, and drag it to the Standard toolbar. Release the mouse button when you see a vertical bar indicating the position of the button. Method 2: Use the Toolbar Options Button o...
SelectFile>Options>Quick Access Toolbar>Toolbar Position. Show or Hide command labels on the Quick Access Toolbar If the Quick Access Toolbar is set below the ribbon, you can show or hide the command labels. Important:The Quick Access Toolbar MUST be setbelowthe ribbon to show or hide ...
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"name.png"] forBarPosition:UIBarPositionTopAttached barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefaulr]; //iOS7 阴影需单独设定 UIColor clearColor 是去掉字段 1像素阴影 [self.navigationController.navigationBarsetShadowImage:[UIImage imageWithColor...
GeneratorPosition GeneratorStatus GridViewRowPresenterBase IContainItemStorage IHierarchicalVirtualizationAndScrollInfo IItemContainerGenerator IRecyclingItemContainerGenerator IScrollInfo ItemsChangedEventArgs ItemsChangedEventHandler LayoutInformation MenuBase MultiSelector PlacementMode 弹出项 PopupAnimation PopupPrimaryAxis...
by default, a mini toolbar is designed to appear near the selected content, providing quick and convenient access without obstructing your view. its position is typically determined by the application's design and cannot be freely moved around the screen. however, the regular toolbar in some ...
ArrangeStartingPosition ArrowDirection AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteSource AutoCompleteStringCollection AutoScaleMode AutoSizeMode AutoValidate AxHost AxHost.AboutBoxDelegate AxHost.ActiveXInvokeKind AxHost.AxComponentEditor AxHost.ClsidAttribute AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie AxHost.InvalidActiveXStateException AxHost....
NSCellImagePosition NSCellStateValue NSCellStyleMask NSCellType NSCharacterCollection NSCIImageRep NSClickGestureRecognizer NSClipView NSCloudKitSharingServiceOptions NSCloudSharingServiceDelegate NSCloudSharingServiceDelegate_Extensions NSCoderAppKitAddons NSCoderEventArgs NSCollectionElementCategory NSCollectionElement...