My iMac, which was new Christmas 2011, has developed a strange fault. If the computer is left idle for any length of time, I then find that there is no sound and the speaker symbol at the top of the screen has disappeared. Sound is only regained by rebooting. Info: iMac View 2...
When it does,usersmight be a little baffled by the disappearance of the most crucial part ofWindows. Naturally, your first thought is to restore the taskbar in Windows 10. But it might be worth knowing what triggers the issue to begin with. Why has my toolbar disappeared?Here’s the big...
Please perform the steps which are given in the links : Fix PDFMaker unavailability in MS Office Adobe PDF tab Disappeared in Word 2010 Let us know about the results. Thank You! Shivam Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report ...
Solved: After u p grading to Office 365 the Acrobat tag disappeared from the Office toolbar ribbon so we purchased and installed Acrobat Pro DC, and still no - 9535328
Each time I open an excel workbook, the QAT is gone. I can fix it to have it reappear and save the file. When I open the workbook again, the QAT...
My top line top green header bar has disappeared from Excel. Any ideas as how to make it reappear?. Reply Joseph Ray says: 2021-11-18 at 9:55 pm how do you remove the text next to the icon in QAT? / Reply Tan L Vu says: 2021-05-19 at 3:41 pm Quick Access Tool bar kee...
My report data window disappeared, cannot figure out how to get it back! Named Pipes Provider: Error SQL Server [5]. Naming of Excel sheets or tab in SSRS Navigate to one page to another page through link in ssrs report Need Help in using ssrs action how to open outlook window to ...
I put Blogger up on a new domain for a local congregation on March 6th, and by the time the next TBPR update rolled out, it was showing PR. That was about 6-8 (maybe 9) weeks after, so this will be the second one in only few months time, which is more frequent than it seems...
InDesign CS4: Missing Toolbars/Menus on MacBook ProThe program has been working fine for more than year, but all of a sudden the menus and toolbars have disappeared and I can't find a way to turn them back on. The program is USELESS without them since you can't do anything.... my experience, there is an option in acrobat to repair acrobat installation, i speak for mac here so imagine there is a PC equivalent... ...on mac it is under the help menu in acrobat 8, i don't have 9 as yet so no idea if adobe have moved it... ...but anyway, thi...