And okay, JR East doesn’t have to pay interest on commuter rail construction from the early 20th century (which was most likely cheap, knowing what subways cost as late as the 1950s), only on Shinkansen construction from shortly before privatization. So what? At the time of the breakup o...
The effective applicability of DNA barcoding is not a major problem since it is a relatively simple and Diversity 2016, 8, 2 13 of 16 cheap technology, being therefore not only sustainable if these analyses are meant to be employed as routine tests in all foodstuffs, but also absolutely ...
Cheapstat: An open-source, "do-it-yourself" potentiostat for analytical and educational applications. PLoS ONE 2011, 6, e23783. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 75. Roda, A.; Michelini, E.; Zangheri, M.; Di Fusco, M.; Calabria, D.; Simoni, P. Smartphone-based biosensors: A critical review ...