Toll revenue bond Toll-Free tolling Tolling agreement Toltti Tom next Toman Tombstone Tomme Tomna Ton Tonel Tonelada Tong Toning Tonni Tontine Too-Big-To-Fail too-big-too-fail took a lot Toonie Tooth TOP top a bid Top Line Top of Mind ...
HISTORY is full of jobs that took an immense physical toll on employees,from miners and construction workers through to those who suffered "phossy jaw" (a destruction of the jawbone) in the match factories of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.But it is only in the past couple of dec...
Define took up. took up synonyms, took up pronunciation, took up translation, English dictionary definition of took up. the opposite of bring: Take me home with you. Not to be confused with: bring – to carry, convey, or conduct: I will bring my friend w
Definition of took fire in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is took fire? Meaning of took fire as a legal term. What does took fire mean in law?
Toll Tolls Ton Tonkin Gulf Resolution Tonnage Tonte exception non surveillee tend a prendre la place du principe tontine Took and carried away Tools tools of trade Torrens system Torrens Title System tort tort claims act Tort Law tortfeasor Tortious torture Total total income Total loss Totality ...
The study on the first phase of CEPA covered the actual economic impact of CEPA in 2004 and the expected economic impact in 2005, as a result of the major liberalisation measures whichtook effect in January2004. ...
Sabbatical definition The first result was aWikipedia articlethat confirmed that I had spelled it incorrectly. But before I had a chance to close the browser window, I read a little further into the article and quickly became fascinated by how they define a sabbatical and what it actually means...
There is a wonderful conclusion to this story. Not only did the physician drive the patient home, his wife cooked several days of food for the patient. Now that’s the definition of a hopeful village. For me, turning on the ignition, tossing the map out the window and heading to unknown...
Definition of took place in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is took place? Meaning of took place as a finance term. What does took place mean in finance?
Define took out. took out synonyms, took out pronunciation, took out translation, English dictionary definition of took out. the opposite of bring: Take me home with you. Not to be confused with: bring – to carry, convey, or conduct: I will bring my fri