意译:好事过头了也会变坏事。语境: I felt sick after I'd eaten all those chocolates. You can have too much of a good thing.我吃完了所有的巧克力,觉得难受死了。真是好事过头了也会变坏事。例子来自:http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/too+much+of+a+good+thing ...
Too much of a good thingis an idiom that is been in use for hundreds of years. We will examine the meaning of the common idiomtoo much of a good thing,where it came from, and some examples of its idiomatic usage in sentences. Too much of a good thingmeans an excessive amount that ...
A few weeks later, Marey a and her parents and I arrived at a fantastic cabin."What a great place! " Mareya's dad said."It's looking a little cloudy," said Mareya's mum,looking at the sky. "Let's hope it doesn't mean rain. "Unluckily, the clouds did mean rain. Lots of rain...
Could you help me with the meaning of "there is too much of it" as in the following passage marked in capital letters? What's the exact Chinese for it? Can you give me other examples? The original goes like this: A mountain 2,000 feet high would be a horrible monster here, as wro...
too much of a good thing 物极必反 例句 However, as often happens inlife, too much of a good thing can be bad. 然而,生活中也会常常发生物极必反的现象。 拓展训练 A:Orders have flooded in so quickly over the last several months that for the factory to ...
过犹不及哲学观点(Too much of a good thing).doc,过犹不及哲学观点(Too much of a good thing) Too much of a good thing is an anti-extreme thinking method (read the philosophy of Confucius) In epistemology, Confucius had discovered the quality. The master
Too much of a good thing ( I ).`Lisa和好朋友Mareya一家一起去度假,Lisa过得开心吗?Marey a is my best friend. Her family won a five-day stay in a mountain cabin (小屋). Because Mareya' s sister,Alana, was spending the week with her grandparents,Mareya's mum and dad said I could ...
Too much of a good thing - A real addiction 过犹不及——真正的成癮 Perhaps the greatest change the world has seen in modern times has been the rise of the Internet. 现代世界经历的最大变化也许就是互联网的崛起。 It's hard to deny the positive changes it adds to people's lives as it...
Interpretation of a pertinent proverb can relay some obvious truth, social norm or moral concern about an individual situation, or so it seems. Take, for example, the proverb "you can have too much of a good thing".Parastou DonyaiMelandi van den Berg...