Emotional capacity became a meme last year when a particularly cold text templatewent viral, but it's true. Human beingsdohave a limited reserve of energy to spend on processing emotions. Chavez calls politics and all of the news that comes with it is "emotionally arousing." It's draining ...
Meme Maker: Create and share memes! 🔶 https://github.com/Meme-Maker/Meme-Maker-iOS https://itunes.apple.com/app/id962121383 MiamiSunglasses: An app that plays the first five seconds of the CSI Miami theme song for on-the-go meme creation. (YEAAAAAAAAAAHH). 🔶 https://github...
One TikTok meme focused on “identifying what your two drink choices are — your fun drink and your morning beverage,” taking off from the lyrics, “I think I’ll take my whiskey neat / My coffee black and my bed at three.” Another, Whitney says, had to do with “male thirst ...
Mudd the student不顧形象地狂甩捲髮、Bj wnjnHong Chanhee時而負責DJ時而也拿起麥克風到台前演唱、看似一臉嚴肅的Bj wnjn甚至唱到倒地,被Omega Sapien笑問:「你喝too much高粱酒嗎?or 你吃too many檳榔嗎?」
for we only see ourselves in them. The impact is akin to that of a meme: everything feels “so relatable,” for better or for worse. As Bobiță, Angela’s parodic avatar reminiscent of an infamous, contemptible social-media king of toxic masculinity, looks straight into the camera ...
The Barks & Beans Cafe is taking its delicious coffee drinks on the road to a booth at a Renaissance Faire. The pooches are not tagging along but Macy has flyers to promote the shelter and the dogs that visit the cafe. Macy has even talked her hunky brother into wearing traditional Scotti...
But when Mr. Mateo finishes with a turkey it is anything but bland. The exterior is crisp and a deep, burnished coffee brown, almost daring you to reach in for a nibble as it is being carved. The meat — even the breast — is rich with character, and each bite is packed with a ...
The meme has seen many photoshopped variations, but usually utilizes the phrase “This bad boy can fit so much X in it.” Awkward little girl memegenerator Awkward little girl Also known as “Side Eyeing Chloe,” this meme can be used in pretty much any awkward situation. The original ...
I’m actually having areallyhard time and imagine I am not alone. Why is that? Let’s return to my battery analogy. Introverts recharge with alone time. We’ve had a LOT of ALONE TIME, meaning we’ve pretty much been left on the charger all spring. ...
I don’t particularly enjoy the fall. I dislike the end of summer. I thrive in warmer weather. I need as much sunlight as possible to photosynthesize. I do have some autumn routines. I look forward to these monuments: I drink one (1) pumpkin-flavored coffee from Starbucks ...